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in the present circumstances

  • 81 discount

    1. сущ.
    а) торг. скидка (с цены), ценовая скидка (денежная сумма или процент, на который поставщик снижает стандартную цену товара или услуги; напр., снижение стандартной цены товара в рамках кампании по стимулированию сбыта или снижение прейскурантной цены в качестве вознаграждения за быстрый или наличный платеж, за покупку в большом количестве и т. п.; также снижение стандартного тарифа на услуги для клиентов, удовлетворяющих определенным требованиям, напр., уменьшение величины страховой премии в связи с особенностями данного риска, отсутствием аварий или других страховых случаев в течение определенного времени, либо уменьшение стоимости туристической путевки при приобретении общей путевки для группы лиц и т. п.)


    one-time discount — единовременная [разовая\] скидка


    discount in the amount of— скидка в сумме

    At the purchase of 6-10 titles you will obtain the discount in the amount of 5%.

    discount of $125, $125 discount — скидка в размере 125 долл.

    10% discount, discount of 10% — скидка в размере 10%, десятипроцентная скидка

    1% discount for cash — скидка 1% за расчет наличными

    15% discount for quantity purchases — 15-процентная скидка за покупку в большом количестве

    less discount of 5% — со сидкой в 5%, за вычетом 5%

    A discount of up to 40% may apply to Physical Damage Coverage for your boat, if the boat is less than 11 years old.

    a discount of 10 to 40 percent — скидка (в размере) от 10% до 40%

    a discount (of) between 10% and 20% — скидка (в размере) от 10% до 20%, скидка между 10% и 20%

    discount on [below, to, off, from\] — скидка с (цены, тарифной ставки)

    50% discount below the normal retail price — 50% скидка с обычной розничной цены

    You can get 50% discount off the regular ticket price!

    Click here to order this book at a discount from the regular list price.

    discount on (smth.) — скидка на (что-л.)

    Members will receive special discounts on all products. — Участники получат специальные скидки на все товары.

    special discount to students, special students discounts — специальные скидки для студентов, специальные скидки студентам, специальные студенческие скидки

    50% discount for children under 12 — 50% скидка для детей в возрасте до 12 лет

    to give [to grant, to allow\] a discount — предоставить скидку

    Discounts are given for quantity purchases.

    First, they commit all participants to grant discounts of the same type to buyers who meet the same conditions of eligibility.

    The producer usually establishes a list price and then allows discounts from it to various types of intermediate customers.

    Later in the century, as competition for customers increased, some booksellers offered discounts of 20 percent and more.

    to get [to receive, to obtain\] a discount — получить скидку

    Club members get special discount off the normal rates. — Члены клуба получают специальную скидку с обычных тарифов.

    He received cash discount of 3%. — Он получил скидку в размере 3% за оплату наличными.

    to earn a discount — получить [заслужить, заработать\] скидку

    When purchases must be placed within a specified period to earn a discount, the prospective contractor must indicate the required time period.

    Those who purchase for cash are allowed a discount of 2%, while those who pay within one month can claim a discount of 1%.

    to ask for a discount — просить [требовать\] скидку, обращаться за скидкой

    If you're going to pay cash, ask for a discount.

    It could be very useful to be able to negotiate a discount for cash if you are buying luxury items like a fur coat or an expensive piece of jewellery.

    Large volume orders may be subject to a discount. — Крупные заказы могут подлежать скидке. [По крупным заказам может предоставляться скидка.\]

    to qualify for a discount — иметь право на скидку; получить право на скидку; давать право на скидку

    To qualify for discount all orders must be received by 30th June. — Чтобы иметь право на скидку, все заказы должны быть получены до 30 июня.

    to be eligible for [to be entitled to\] a discount — иметь право на скидку

    Find out if you are entitled to a discount. — Выясните, имеете ли вы право на скидку.

    to lose a discount — терять скидку, терять право на скидку

    This means that you can make 1 claim in any year or 2 claims in any 3-year period, and you won't lose the discount earned for your previous years of safe driving. — Это означает, что вы можете предъявить одно требование в течение любого года или два требования в течение любого трехлетнего периода, и вы не потеряете скидку, заработанную за предыдущие года безопасного вождения.

    To find the sale price of the item, you calculate the discount and subtract the discount from the original price.

    to reduce/to increase discount — уменьшать/увеличивать скидку

    ThyssenKrupp Nirosta reduces cash discount.

    Under the Local Government Act 2003, all District Councils have been allowed to reduce their Council Tax discount on second homes from 50% to 10%.

    American Airlines also has increased its discount from 21 percent to 22 percent on all domestic fares and international full fares.

    They've increased the tax discount on the house.

    rebate 1. 1), reduction 1. 2) б)
    advertising discount, aggregated discount, bulk discount а), bulk purchase discount, cash discount, chain discount, commercial discount, cumulative discount, deep discount 2) а), deferred discount, discount allowed, discount earned, discount for cash, discount for cash payment, discount for early payment, discount for paying cash, discount for prompt payment, discount for quantity, discount for quantity purchases, discount from price, discount on price, discount received, discounts lost, early payment discount, functional discount, group discount 1) а), insurance discount, insurance premium discount, invoice discount 1) а), long discount, lost discounts, loyalty discount, net name discount, noncumulative discount, off-invoice discount, patronage discount, premium discount, prepayment discount, price discount а), prompt payment discount, purchase discount, quantity discount, quantity purchase discount, renewal discount, retail discount, retro discount, retrodiscount, retrospective discount, sales discount, series discount 1) а), short discount, special discount, staff discount, trade discount, trade-in discount, unearned discount а), volume discount, wholesale discount, amount of discount, discount amount а), discount broker а), discount brokerage, discount card, discount chain, discount coupon, discount drugstore, discount fare, discount goods, discount house 2) а), discount loss, discount market 2) а), discount merchandiser, discount period 1) а), discount policy 1) а), discount price, discount pricing, discount retailer, discount retailing, discount sale, discount scale, discount series, discount schedule, discount store, discount supermarket, discount table, discount terms, percentage of discount, scale of discounts, table of discounts, allowance 1. 3) discounted price а), discounted goods, premium price а), trade credit, EOM, ROG, discounter б), discountable 2) б), regular price, list price, off-price product, at a discount 1) а) IDIOM: five-finger discount
    б) фин., бирж. дисконт (сумма, на которую номинал или цена погашения ценной бумаги больше цены ее первоначального размещения или текущей рыночной цены)


    accrued 2), amortizable 2) б)

    deep discount — глубокий дисконт, значительный дисконт*


    discount in the amount of— дисконт в сумме

    discount of $125, $125 discount — дисконт в размере 125 долл.

    As a result, X treats the loan as having original issue discount in the amount of $130000.

    10% discount, discount of 10% — дисконт в размере 10%, десятипроцентный дисконт

    For example, if a $1000 par bond was bought at a discount of $900, at maturity there would be a $100 gain.

    a discount of 10 to 40 percent — дисконт (в размере) от 10% до 40%

    a discount (of) between 10% and 20% — скидка (в размере) от 10% до 20%, скидка между 10% и 20%

    discount on [below, to, off, from\] — дисконт к (цене, номиналу), дисконт с [от\] (цены, номинала)

    Coupons are sold at a discount to maturity value.

    The Company amortizes any discount or premium as part of interest expense on the related debt using the effective interest method.

    Although the issuer will calculate original issue discount, if any, based on its determination of the accrual periods, a bondholder may, subject to some restrictions, elect other accrual periods.

    All taxable discount securities, including Corporate and Government Bonds, Federal STRIPs, Eurobonds, and Taxable Municipal securities.

    в) фин., банк. дисконт, скидка (разница между номиналом векселя и суммой, получаемой векселедержателем при учете векселя до наступления срока его погашения)
    г) фин., бирж. дисконт, скидка (отклонение в меньшую сторону от официального курса валюты, т. е. ситуация, когда цена одной валюты занижена по отношению к цене другой валюты, напр., франк может продаваться со скидкой к фунту)
    д) фин., банк. дисконт (разница между базовой согласованной суммой кредита и суммой, фактически получаемой заемщиком; в обычных дисконтных кредитах соответствует величине процентов, подлежащих уплате по кредиту; в некоторых кредитах из базовой суммы кредита могут вычитаться дисконтные пункты или другие единовременные вознаграждения и комиссионные, причитающиеся кредитору)
    е) фин. дисконт, скидка (при оценке стоимости предприятия или крупных пакетов акций: разница, на которую фактически согласованная цена предприятия/пакета акций меньше базовой рыночной цены; такой дисконт может использоваться в качестве компенсации за узость вторичного рынка для акций, недостаточный размер продаваемого пакета акций для приобретения контроля за предприятием и т. п.)
    ж) фин. скидка, дисконт (в самом общем смысле: сумма, на которую уменьшена базовая стоимость или другая базовая величина)
    2) банк., фин. учет, операция по учету [по дисконту\] (операция, в ходе которой банк или другое финансовое учреждение выкупает вексель или иное долговое обязательство у его держателя по цене, равной номиналу долгового обязательства за вычетом вознаграждения за оставшийся до погашения срок, напр., вексель с номиналом в 100 долл. может продаваться за 90 долл.; впоследствии банк взыскивает полную номинальную стоимость долгового обязательства с лица, выписавшего это долговое обязательство)
    3) фин. дисконтирование (определение текущей стоимости актива или текущей стоимости будущих потоков доходов и расходов)
    а) торг. процент скидки (величина скидки, выраженная в процентах к цене)
    б) фин. учетная ставка; ставка дисконта [дисконтирования\]
    discount rate 1) а), 1) а), 2) а)
    2. гл.
    1) торг. предоставлять [делать\] скидку, снижать цену (уменьшать обычную прейскурантную цену для покупателя, приобретающего значительное количество товара, рассчитывающегося наличными и т. п.); продавать со скидкой (уценивать товары, уменьшать цену продаваемых товаров)

    The shop discounted goods. — Магазин сделал скидку на товары.

    to discount from [off\] price — сделать скидку с цены

    to discount (by) 10% — делать скидку в размере 10%

    Companies discount their goods by 10%-75% only to sell more volume. — Компании предоставляют скидку на свои товары в размере 10-75% [компании снижают цену своих товаров на 10-75%\] только для того, чтобы увеличить объем продаж.

    If an item has not sold within two weeks the store discounts the item by 25% for the third week, 50% for the fourth week, and 75% for the fifth week. — Если предмет не продается в течении двух недель, то в течение третьей недели предмет предлагается со скидкой в 25%, в течение четвертой — со скидкой 50%, а в течение пятой — со скидкой 75%.

    All items were discounted about 20% from the suggested list prices. — Цена всех товаров была снижена на 20% по сравнению с рекомендованной прейскурантной ценой.

    The company discounted prices on its products. — Компания сделала скидку с цены на свои товары.

    United discounts the fare by 50%. — "Юнайтед" делает скидку с тарифа в размере 50%.

    The one-way fares are now discounted 15% off regular fares. — Стоимость проезда в один конец в настоящее время снижена на 15% по сравнению с обычными тарифами.

    This interest rate is discounted from the published bank standard variable rate for an agreed period from the start of the mortgage. — Эта процентная ставка снижена по сравнению с опубликованной стандартной плавающей процентной ставкой банка на оговоренный период, считая от начала действия ипотечного кредита.

    discounted mortgageипотека с дисконтом*, дисконтная ипотека*

    discounted period — период скидки [скидок\]*, период действия скидки*

    discounted price — цена со скидкой [с дисконтом\], дисконтная цена

    2) фин., банк. учитывать
    а) (приобретать векселя или счета-фактуры по цене ниже их номинала, т. е. с дисконтом, с целью последующего взыскания суммы долга с должника)

    to discount at the rate of 10% — учитывать по ставке 10%

    In the same way, circumstances often forced discount houses themselves to discount fine trade bills at the rate for fine bank bills. — Точно также, обстоятельства часто вынуждают сами дисконтные дома учитывать первоклассные торговые векселя по ставке, установленной для первоклассных банковских векселей.

    The Federal Reserve was given the right to discount “eligible paper” for member banks, that is lend money to the banks on the basis of the commercial paper arising from loan transactions with their customers. — Федеральной резервной системе было предоставлено право учитывать "приемлемые бумаги" для банков-членов, т. е. давать банкам деньги взаймы на базе коммерческих бумаг, возникающих в связи с кредитными операциями с их клиентами.

    б) (продавать векселя или счета-фактуры по цене ниже их номинала специализированному финансовому учреждению)

    to discount the note at 10% — учитывать долговое обязательство под 10%

    The company discounted the note at a bank at 10%. — Компания учла долговое обязательство в банке под 10%.

    If the vendor receives a note, he may discount it at the bank. — Если торговец получает простой вексель, он может учесть его в банке.

    to get a bill discounted — учесть вексель, произвести учет векселя

    3) фин., банк. предоставлять дисконтный заем* (получать проценты вперед при даче денег взаймы, т. е. выдавать заемщику не полную оговоренную сумму кредита, а ее часть, оставшуюся после вычета определенного дисконта, и взамен сокращать или аннулировать процентную ставку на весь или часть срока кредита; употребляется всегда с дополнением в виде названия кредита)

    to discount the loan — предоставлять дисконтный заем, делать заем дисконтным

    Negotiate the terms of the loan ( amount, interest rates) first and then lender discounts the loan by charging a fee which will be deducted from the loan amount before being dispersed to the borrower. — Договоритесь об условиях кредитования (сумма, процентные ставки) и потом кредитор сделает заем дисконтным путем взимания платы, которая будет вычтена из суммы займа перед выдачей заемщику.


    to discount at a rate of 10% — дисконтировать по ставке 10%

    Discount future cash flows to the present using the firm's cost of capital. — Приведите будущие денежные потоки к текущей стоимости, используя стоимость капитала фирмы.

    To adjust for the time value of money, we discounted future costs to present value. — Чтобы осуществить корректировку на временную стоимость денег, мы привели будущие затраты к текущей стоимости.

    We discount future cash flows by an interest rate that has been adjusted for risk. — Мы дисконтируем будущие денежные потоки, используя процентную ставку, скорректированную на риск.

    The taxpayer must continue to discount the unpaid losses attributable to proportional reinsurance from pre-1988 accident years using the discount factors that were used in determining tax reserves for the 1987 tax year. — Налогоплательщик должен продолжать дисконтировать неоплаченные убытки, относящиеся к пропорциональному перестрахованию за годы убытка, предшествующие 1988 г., используя коэффициенты дисконтирования, которые применялись при определении налоговых резервов на 1987 налоговый год.

    When comparing projects with different risk levels, it is best to discount each project's cash flows at its own discount rate and then compare the NPVs. — При сравнении проектов с разным уровнем риска, лучше всего произвести дисконтирование [продисконтировать\] денежные потоки каждого проекта по своей собственной ставке дисконтирования и затем сравнить чистую приведенную стоимость.

    discounted cash flow — дисконтированный [приведенный\] денежный поток

    discounted payback period — дисконтированный срок [период\] окупаемости

    5) общ. не принимать в расчет, игнорировать, пропускать, опускать; относиться скептически, не принимать на веру, сомневаться в правдивости

    to discount smb's opinion — игнорировать чье-л. мнение

    They discount my opinion. — Они не принимают в расчет мое мнение.

    We had already discounted the theory that they were involved. — Мы уже оставили идею об их причастности.

    By stressing one factor, each theory discounts the others. — Выделяя один фактор, каждая теория оставляет без внимания остальные.

    Democratic theory discounts the notion that allocation of scarce resources is the result of natural forces. — Демократическая теория игнорирует представление о том, что распределение редких ресурсов является результатом действия естественных сил.

    Knowing his political bias they discounted most of his story. — Зная о его политических пристрастиях, они сомневались в правдивости большей части его истории.

    Many people discount the value of statistical analysis. — Многие люди недооценивают статистический анализ.

    6) бирж. учитывать* (обычно используется в биржевом контексте, указывая на то, что плохие или хорошие новости о компании-эмитенте, отдельной отрасли, экономике в целом либо ожидания получения таких новостей учитываются участниками рынка при определении курсов ценных бумаг, вызывая соответственно понижение или повышение курсов)

    Many traders don't realize the news they hear and read has, in many cases, already been discounted by the market. — Многие трейдеры не осознают, что новости, о которых они услышали или прочитали, уже были учтены рынком.

    Technology stocks discounted a lot of bad news from abroad. — Акции технологических компаний отреагировали на обилие плохих новостей из-за границы.

    The bear market ends when at least most of the bad news is finally discounted by the market. — "Медвежий" рынок заканчивается, когда, по крайней мере, большая часть из плохих новостей наконец учитывается рынком.

    In the United States, the stock market double discounts expected inflation, first through long term bond yields and second through relative stock prices. — В Соединенных Штатах, фондовый рынок дважды учитывает ожидаемую инфляцию, во-первых, в доходности долгосрочных облигаций, а во-вторых, в ценах на соответствующие акции.

    These stock prices are discounting anticipated massive increases in profits for the S&P 500 companies in the future. — Цены акций учитывают ожидаемый в будущем массовый рост прибылей компаний, включаемых в расчет индекса "Стандард энд Пурз 500".

    Today’s prices are discounting all future events, not only today’s news. — Сегодняшние цены учитывают все будущие события, а не только сегодняшние новости.


    * * *
    discount (Dis; Disct) 1) дисконт, скидка: разница между ценой эмиссии ценной бумаги или кредита (номиналом или ценой погашения) и ее текущей рыночной ценой или разница между наличным и срочным валютными курсами; 2) учет векселей: операция купли-продажи векселей по номиналу минус вознаграждение за оставшийся до погашения срок (напр., вексель с номиналом в 100 долл. продается за 90 долл.); 3) скидка с цены товара (или возврат, напр., в качестве вознаграждения за быстрый или наличный платеж); см. cash discount; 4) учет информации об определенном событии в движении цен, ставок, в т. ч. до его наступления; 5) соотношение между двумя валютами; напр., франк может продаваться со скидкой к фунту; 6) определить текущую стоимость актива, который имеет определенную стоимость на определенную дату в будущем.
    * * *
    вычет (процентов); дисконт; скидка; учет (векселя), учетный процент
    . Относится к цене продажи облигации. Цена ниже номинальной стоимости. См. также Premium (премия) . (1) The amount a price would be reduced to purchase a commodity of lesser grade; (2) sometimes used to refer to the price differences between futures of different delivery months, as in the phrase "July is trading at a discount to May," indicating that the price of the July future is lower than that of May; (3) applied to cash grain prices that are below the futures price. Словарь экономических терминов .
    * * *
    особое условие договора купли-продажи, определяющее размер снижения (уменьшения) исходной (базисной) цены сделки
    1. учет векселя
    2. процент, взимаемый банками при учете векселей
    3. скидка с цены валюты в валютных сделках

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > discount

  • 82 В-327

    ВСЁ РАВНО ( Invar fixed WO
    1. \В-327 (кому). Also: ВСЁ ОДНО (ЕДИНО) substand ( subj-compl with copula ( subj: это or a clause) or impers predic with copula) (may refer to the subjective reaction, desire etc of the person involved, or to objective reality) (the difference, if any, between two or more expressed or implied options is) unimportant (to s.o.), of little or no significance (to s.o.): X-y все равно - iteall the same (toX)
    it comes to the same thing it doesn't make any difference (to X) it doesn't matter (to X) X doesn't care (in limited contexts) X is past caring.
    Будет говорить русский? He всё ли равно? Пусть (Федин 1). A Russian will speak? Isn't it all the same? Let him (1 a).
    «...Все мы, что человеки, что скоты - всё едино все помрем и все к чертовой матери пойдем!» (Салтыков-Щедрин 1). "Whether we're men or beasts, it comes to the same thing: we shall all die and go to the Devil!" (1b).
    Может быть, вы мне, господин профессор, хотя описание вашей камеры дадите? - заискивающе и скорбно говорил механический человек, - ведь вам теперь всё равно...» (Булгаков 10). "Perhaps, Mr Professor, you would give me at least a description of your chamber?" the mechanical man said ingratiatingly and mournfully. "After all, it makes no difference to you now..." (10b).
    Ax, какая тебе разница, кто он... не всё ли равно! (Битов 2). Oh, what do you care who it was-what does it matter! (2a).
    Дети так не говорят. Это даже не грубость, это - жестокость, и даже не жестокость, а просто ей всё равно» (Стругацкие 1). "Children don't talk like that. It's not even rudeness, it's cruelty, no, not even cruelty-she simply doesn't care" (1a).
    «История показала, что специалисты могут ошибаться. Партия - никогда». По бесстрастному лицу помощника Марлен Михайлович понял, что в этот момент он слегка пережал, прозвучал слегка - не-совсем-в-ту-степь, но ему как-то уже было все равно (Аксёнов 7). "History has shown that experts make mistakes. The Party never makes mistakes." The blank face of the Important Personage's assistant told him (Marlen Mikhailovich) that this time he had gone a bit too far, but by now he was past caring (7a).
    2. Also: ВСЁ ОДНО (ЕДИНО) substand
    under any circumstances, regardless of what happens
    in any case (event)
    whatever happens (in limited contexts) one way or another anyway all the same (with a negated verb) there is no way (that s.o. will do sth. (that sth. will happen etc)).
    Когда Маяна выходила замуж, городской родственник тайно, через людей передал подарок для Маяны... Подарок... был богатый, и тётя Маша... переправила его дочери. Дочка не приняла ничего, велев передать матери, что туфли ей... малы, а подарок она всё равно брать не будет (Искандер 4)....When Mayana got married, the city relative secretly sent a present for her, through other people....It was a rich gift, and Aunt Masha...forwarded it to her daughter. The daughter accepted nothing, returning a message to her mother that the shoes were too small for her, and she would not take the present in any case (4a).
    «Всё равно (Марченко) даст отпечатки (пальцев), не добром, так силой. Заковать его в наручники — и катай!» (Марченко 2). "One way or another, willing or not, we'll get his (Marchenko's) fingerprints. Put the cuffs on him and let's go!" (2a).
    Полесов стоял в очередях главным образом из принципа. Денег у него не было, и купить он всё равно ничего не мог (Ильф и Петров 1). Polesov stood in line chiefly for reasons of principle. He had no money, so he could not buy anything, anyway (1a).
    3. (Particle) despite some (indicated or implied) circumstances
    all the same
    nevertheless nonetheless still.
    Кладбище напоминало карликовый город... Возле нескольких могил стояли табуретки с вином и закуской... Я знал, что это такой обычай, приносить на могилу еду и питьё, но всё равно сделалось еще страшнее (Искандер 6). The cemetery resembled a city of dwarfs....I noticed several small stools on which food and wine had been placed....I had heard of the custom of offering up food and drink to the dead, but nonetheless the sight of these stools frightened me all the more (6a).
    «Теперь уж и без офицера всё кончено, хотя бы и не явился он вовсе, то всё равно всё было бы кончено...» (Достоевский 1). "It's all finished now, even without the officer, even if he hadn't come at all, it would still be finished..." (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > В-327

  • 83 все едино

    [Invar; fixed WO]
    1. все едино (кому). Also: ВСЕ ОДНО < ЕДИНО> substand [subj-compl with copula (subj: это or a clause) or impers predic with copula]
    (may refer to the subjective reaction, desire etc of the person involved, or to objective reality) (the difference, if any, between two or more expressed or implied options is) unimportant (to s.o.), of little or no significance (to s.o.):
    - [in limited contexts] X is past caring.
         ♦ Будет говорить русский? Не всё ли равно? Пусть( Федин 1). A Russian will speak? Isn't it all the same? Let him (1a).
         ♦ "...Все мы, что человеки, что скоты - всё едино; все помрем и все к чертовой матери пойдем!" (Салтыков-Щедрин 1). "Whether we're men or beasts, it comes to the same thing: we shall all die and go to the Devil!" (1b).
         ♦ "Может быть, вы мне, господин профессор, хотя описание вашей камеры дадите? - заискивающе и скороно говорил механический человек, - ведь вам теперь всё равно..." (Булгаков 10). "Perhaps, Mr Professor, you would give me at least a description of your chamber?" the mechanical man said ingratiatingly and mournfully. "After all, it makes no difference to you now..." (10b).
    ♦ Ax, какая тебе разница, кто он... не всё ли равно! (Битов 2). Oh, what do you care who it was-what does it matter! (2a).
         ♦ "Дети так не говорят. Это даже не грубость, это - жестокость, и даже не жестокость, а просто ей всё равно" (Стругацкие 1). "Children don't talk like that. It's not even rudeness, it's cruelty, no, not even cruelty-she simply doesn't care" (1a).
         ♦ "История показала, что специалисты могут ошибаться. Партия - никогда". По бесстрастному лицу помощника Марлен Михайлович понял, что в этот момент он слегка пережал, прозвучал слегка - не-совсем-в-ту-степь, но ему как-то уже было все равно (Аксёнов 7). "History has shown that experts make mistakes. The Party never makes mistakes." The blank face of the Important Personage's assistant told him [Marlen Mikhailovich] that this time he had gone a bit too far, but by now he was past caring (7a).
    2. Also: ВСЕ ОДНО (ЕДИНО) substand [adv]
    under any circumstances, regardless of what happens:
    - [in limited contexts] one way or another;
    - [with a negated verb] there is no way (that s.o. will do sth. <that sth. will happen etc>).
         ♦ Когда Маяна выходила замуж, городской родственник тайно, через людей передал подарок для Маяны... Подарок... был богатый, и тётя Маша... переправила его дочери. Дочка не приняла ничего, велев передать матери, что туфли ей... малы, а подарок она всё равно брать не будет (Искандер 4)....When Mayana got married, the city relative secretly sent a present for her, through other people....It was a rich gift, and Aunt Masha...forwarded it to her daughter. The daughter accepted nothing, returning a message to her mother that the shoes were too small for her, and she would not take the present in any case (4a).
         ♦ " Всё равно [Марченко] даст отпечатки [ пальцев], не добром, так силой. Заковать его в наручники - и катай!" (Марченко 2). "One way or another, willing or not, we'll get his [Marchenko's] fingerprints. Put the cuffs on him and let's go!" (2a).
         ♦ Полесов стоял в очередях главным образом из принципа. Денег у него не было, и купить он всё равно ничего не мог (Ильф и Петров 1). Polesov stood in line chiefly for reasons of principle. He had no money, so he could not buy anything, anyway (1a).
    3. [Particle]
    despite some (indicated or implied) circumstances:
    - still.
         ♦ Кладбище напоминало карликовый город... Возле нескольких могил стояли табуретки с вином и закуской... Я знал, что это такой обычай, приносить на могилу еду и питьё, но всё равно сделалось еще страшнее (Искандер 6). The cemetery resembled a city of dwarfs....I noticed several small stools on which food and wine had been placed....I had heard of the custom of offering up food and drink to the dead, but nonetheless the sight of these stools frightened me all the more (6a).
         ♦ "Теперь уж и без офицера всё кончено, хотя бы и не явился он вовсе, то всё равно всё было бы кончено..." (Достоевский 1). "It's all finished now, even without the officer, even if he hadn't come at all, it would still be finished..." (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > все едино

  • 84 все одно

    [Invar; fixed WO]
    1. все одно (кому). Also: ВСЕ ОДНО < ЕДИНО> substand [subj-compl with copula (subj: это or a clause) or impers predic with copula]
    (may refer to the subjective reaction, desire etc of the person involved, or to objective reality) (the difference, if any, between two or more expressed or implied options is) unimportant (to s.o.), of little or no significance (to s.o.):
    - [in limited contexts] X is past caring.
         ♦ Будет говорить русский? Не всё ли равно? Пусть( Федин 1). A Russian will speak? Isn't it all the same? Let him (1a).
         ♦ "...Все мы, что человеки, что скоты - всё едино; все помрем и все к чертовой матери пойдем!" (Салтыков-Щедрин 1). "Whether we're men or beasts, it comes to the same thing: we shall all die and go to the Devil!" (1b).
         ♦ "Может быть, вы мне, господин профессор, хотя описание вашей камеры дадите? - заискивающе и скороно говорил механический человек, - ведь вам теперь всё равно..." (Булгаков 10). "Perhaps, Mr Professor, you would give me at least a description of your chamber?" the mechanical man said ingratiatingly and mournfully. "After all, it makes no difference to you now..." (10b).
    ♦ Ax, какая тебе разница, кто он... не всё ли равно! (Битов 2). Oh, what do you care who it was-what does it matter! (2a).
         ♦ "Дети так не говорят. Это даже не грубость, это - жестокость, и даже не жестокость, а просто ей всё равно" (Стругацкие 1). "Children don't talk like that. It's not even rudeness, it's cruelty, no, not even cruelty-she simply doesn't care" (1a).
         ♦ "История показала, что специалисты могут ошибаться. Партия - никогда". По бесстрастному лицу помощника Марлен Михайлович понял, что в этот момент он слегка пережал, прозвучал слегка - не-совсем-в-ту-степь, но ему как-то уже было все равно (Аксёнов 7). "History has shown that experts make mistakes. The Party never makes mistakes." The blank face of the Important Personage's assistant told him [Marlen Mikhailovich] that this time he had gone a bit too far, but by now he was past caring (7a).
    2. Also: ВСЕ ОДНО (ЕДИНО) substand [adv]
    under any circumstances, regardless of what happens:
    - [in limited contexts] one way or another;
    - [with a negated verb] there is no way (that s.o. will do sth. <that sth. will happen etc>).
         ♦ Когда Маяна выходила замуж, городской родственник тайно, через людей передал подарок для Маяны... Подарок... был богатый, и тётя Маша... переправила его дочери. Дочка не приняла ничего, велев передать матери, что туфли ей... малы, а подарок она всё равно брать не будет (Искандер 4)....When Mayana got married, the city relative secretly sent a present for her, through other people....It was a rich gift, and Aunt Masha...forwarded it to her daughter. The daughter accepted nothing, returning a message to her mother that the shoes were too small for her, and she would not take the present in any case (4a).
         ♦ " Всё равно [Марченко] даст отпечатки [ пальцев], не добром, так силой. Заковать его в наручники - и катай!" (Марченко 2). "One way or another, willing or not, we'll get his [Marchenko's] fingerprints. Put the cuffs on him and let's go!" (2a).
         ♦ Полесов стоял в очередях главным образом из принципа. Денег у него не было, и купить он всё равно ничего не мог (Ильф и Петров 1). Polesov stood in line chiefly for reasons of principle. He had no money, so he could not buy anything, anyway (1a).
    3. [Particle]
    despite some (indicated or implied) circumstances:
    - still.
         ♦ Кладбище напоминало карликовый город... Возле нескольких могил стояли табуретки с вином и закуской... Я знал, что это такой обычай, приносить на могилу еду и питьё, но всё равно сделалось еще страшнее (Искандер 6). The cemetery resembled a city of dwarfs....I noticed several small stools on which food and wine had been placed....I had heard of the custom of offering up food and drink to the dead, but nonetheless the sight of these stools frightened me all the more (6a).
         ♦ "Теперь уж и без офицера всё кончено, хотя бы и не явился он вовсе, то всё равно всё было бы кончено..." (Достоевский 1). "It's all finished now, even without the officer, even if he hadn't come at all, it would still be finished..." (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > все одно

  • 85 все равно

    [Invar; fixed WO]
    1. все равно (кому). Also: ВСЕ ОДНО < ЕДИНО> substand [subj-compl with copula (subj: это or a clause) or impers predic with copula]
    (may refer to the subjective reaction, desire etc of the person involved, or to objective reality) (the difference, if any, between two or more expressed or implied options is) unimportant (to s.o.), of little or no significance (to s.o.):
    - X-y все равно it'sallthesame(toX);
    - [in limited contexts] X is past caring.
         ♦ Будет говорить русский? Не всё ли равно? Пусть( Федин 1). A Russian will speak? Isn't it all the same? Let him (1a).
         ♦ "...Все мы, что человеки, что скоты - всё едино; все помрем и все к чертовой матери пойдем!" (Салтыков-Щедрин 1). "Whether we're men or beasts, it comes to the same thing: we shall all die and go to the Devil!" (1b).
         ♦ "Может быть, вы мне, господин профессор, хотя описание вашей камеры дадите? - заискивающе и скороно говорил механический человек, - ведь вам теперь всё равно..." (Булгаков 10). "Perhaps, Mr Professor, you would give me at least a description of your chamber?" the mechanical man said ingratiatingly and mournfully. "After all, it makes no difference to you now..." (10b).
    ♦ Ax, какая тебе разница, кто он... не всё ли равно! (Битов 2). Oh, what do you care who it was-what does it matter! (2a).
         ♦ "Дети так не говорят. Это даже не грубость, это - жестокость, и даже не жестокость, а просто ей всё равно" (Стругацкие 1). "Children don't talk like that. It's not even rudeness, it's cruelty, no, not even cruelty-she simply doesn't care" (1a).
         ♦ "История показала, что специалисты могут ошибаться. Партия - никогда". По бесстрастному лицу помощника Марлен Михайлович понял, что в этот момент он слегка пережал, прозвучал слегка - не-совсем-в-ту-степь, но ему как-то уже было все равно (Аксёнов 7). "History has shown that experts make mistakes. The Party never makes mistakes." The blank face of the Important Personage's assistant told him [Marlen Mikhailovich] that this time he had gone a bit too far, but by now he was past caring (7a).
    2. Also: ВСЕ ОДНО (ЕДИНО) substand [adv]
    under any circumstances, regardless of what happens:
    - [in limited contexts] one way or another;
    - [with a negated verb] there is no way (that s.o. will do sth. <that sth. will happen etc>).
         ♦ Когда Маяна выходила замуж, городской родственник тайно, через людей передал подарок для Маяны... Подарок... был богатый, и тётя Маша... переправила его дочери. Дочка не приняла ничего, велев передать матери, что туфли ей... малы, а подарок она всё равно брать не будет (Искандер 4)....When Mayana got married, the city relative secretly sent a present for her, through other people....It was a rich gift, and Aunt Masha...forwarded it to her daughter. The daughter accepted nothing, returning a message to her mother that the shoes were too small for her, and she would not take the present in any case (4a).
         ♦ "Всё равно [Марченко] даст отпечатки [ пальцев], не добром, так силой. Заковать его в наручники - и катай!" (Марченко 2). "One way or another, willing or not, we'll get his [Marchenko's] fingerprints. Put the cuffs on him and let's go!" (2a).
         ♦ Полесов стоял в очередях главным образом из принципа. Денег у него не было, и купить он всё равно ничего не мог (Ильф и Петров 1). Polesov stood in line chiefly for reasons of principle. He had no money, so he could not buy anything, anyway (1a).
    3. [Particle]
    despite some (indicated or implied) circumstances:
    - still.
         ♦ Кладбище напоминало карликовый город... Возле нескольких могил стояли табуретки с вином и закуской... Я знал, что это такой обычай, приносить на могилу еду и питьё, но всё равно сделалось еще страшнее (Искандер 6). The cemetery resembled a city of dwarfs....I noticed several small stools on which food and wine had been placed....I had heard of the custom of offering up food and drink to the dead, but nonetheless the sight of these stools frightened me all the more (6a).
         ♦ "Теперь уж и без офицера всё кончено, хотя бы и не явился он вовсе, то всё равно всё было бы кончено..." (Достоевский 1). "It's all finished now, even without the officer, even if he hadn't come at all, it would still be finished..." (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > все равно

  • 86 círculo de lectores

    (n.) = book club, readership
    Ex. Despite what amounts to undercutting by direct sale publishers calling themselves ' book clubs', the British net book agreement has remained in force until the present day.
    Ex. The most appropriate type of abstract in any one set of circumstances will be a function of the nature of the original document and anticipated readership.
    * * *
    (n.) = book club, readership

    Ex: Despite what amounts to undercutting by direct sale publishers calling themselves ' book clubs', the British net book agreement has remained in force until the present day.

    Ex: The most appropriate type of abstract in any one set of circumstances will be a function of the nature of the original document and anticipated readership.

    Spanish-English dictionary > círculo de lectores

  • 87 nunc

        nunc adv.    [num+ce], of present time, now, at present, at this time: de quibus nunc quaerimus: nunc quae est, non quae olim fuit, T.: omnia, quae sunt conclusa nunc artibus, dispersa quondam fuerunt: sed erat tunc excusatio oppressis; nunc nulla est: arx minus aliquanto nunc munita quam antea: aut nunc... aut aliquando: Cluentio nisi nunc satisfecero, postea non erit, etc.: deos nunc testīs esse, mox fore ultores, L.: Nunc, olim, quocumque tempore, V.: nunc demum intellego, not till now, T.: ut mihi nunc denique amare videar, antea dilexisse: nunc primum, not until now: Nunc, nunc o liceat crudelem abrumpere vitam, V.: hem, nuncin demum? now at last? T.: quae (causae) si manebunt... et, ut nunc est, mansurae videntur, in the present state of affairs: Suaviter, ut nunc est, inquam, H.: iudiciis, qui nunc sunt, hominum, of contemporaries: nunc tamen ipsum, just now.—Of past or future time, conceived as present, now, at this time, then, at that time: Idem Menandri Phasma nunc nuper dedit, T.: nunc in causā refrixit: nunc reus erat apud Crassum: nunc Tempus erat, etc., H.: dixit, nunc demum se voti esse damnatum, N.—Of circumstances, now, under these circumstances, in view of this, as matters are: nunc quoniam hominem generavit et ornavit deus, perspicuum sit, etc.: vix nunc obsistitur illis, O.: si omnia manerent, tamen... nunc vero exul patriā, quo adcedam? S.: nec abnuitur ita fuisse, si... nunc haud sane, etc., but as matters are, L.: si haec non ad homines verum ad bestias conqueri vellem... nunc vero cum loquar apud senatores populi R., etc.— Repeated in parallel clauses, nunc... nunc, now... now, at one time, at another, sometimes... sometimes: facinora nunc in expeditionibus, nunc in acie, L.: Nunc hos, nunc illos aditūs pererrat, V.: nunc ad prima signa, nunc in medium, nunc in ultimo agmine aderat, Cu.; cf. pariterque sinistros, Nunc dextros solvere sinūs, V.: nunc... postremo, L.: nunc... modo, L.: modo... Nunc, O.
    * * *
    now, today, at present

    Latin-English dictionary > nunc

  • 88 praesēns

        praesēns entis (abl. of persons usu. ente; of things, entī), adj. with comp.    [P. of praesum], at hand, in sight, present, in person: quia ades praesens, because you are here, T.: quo praesente, in whose presence: pauca praesenti consilio locutus, before a council of war, S.: tecum egi, in person: sermo, face to face: adgnoscere praesentia ora, i. e. in plain view, V.: hanc sibi videbit praesens praesentem eripi, T.: in rem praesentem venire, to the very spot: in re praesenti, on the spot, L.—Of time, present, contemporary, existing: res: non solum inopiā praesentis, sed etiam futuri temporis timore, Cs.: fortuna pristina viri, praesenti fortunae conlata, L.: praesenti bello, during hostilities, N.: et praesens aetas et posteritas, Cu.: praesens in tempus omittere, for the present, H.: praesenti tempore, now, O.—As subst n. (sc. tempus), the present: laetus in praesens animus, H.: haec in praesenti scripsi.— Plur, present circumstances, the present state of affairs: amor fastidio praesentium accensus est, Cu.— Happening at once, immediate, instant, prompt, impending: praesens quod fuerat malum in diem abiit, T.: poena: tuā praesenti ope servata urbs, L.: pecunia, cash: praesentibus insidiis liberare, imminent: iam praesentior res erat, more imminent, L.— Operating at once, instant, prompt, efficacious, powerful, influential: auxilium: non ulla magis praesens fortuna laborum est, more effective cure, V.: adeo iniuriae Samnitium quam benefici Romanorum memoria praesentior erat, L.: si quid praesentius audes, more effective, V.: o diva... Praesens vel tollere corpus, vel, etc., H. — Present, collected, resolute: Animo virili praesentique esse, T.: si cui virtus animusque in pectore praesens, V.: animus: praesentioribus animis, L. — Present, aiding, favoring, propitious: deus, T.: praesentes saepe di vim suam declarant: Tu, dea, tu praesens, nostro succurre labori, V.
    * * *
    (gen.), praesentis ADJ
    present; at hand; existing; prompt, in person; propitious

    Latin-English dictionary > praesēns

  • 89 sisto

    sisto, stĭti (Charis. p. 220, and Diom. p. 369, give steti for both sisto and sto, confining stiti to the compounds of both. But steti, as perfect of sisto, is late jurid. Lat., and perh. dub.;

    for steterant,

    Verg. A. 3, 110;


    id. ib. 3, 403; Liv. 8, 32, 12, belong to stare; cf. also Gell. 2, 14, 1 sqq.; and v. Neue, Formenl. 2, 461 sq.), stătum [root stă, strengthened by reduplication; cf. histêmi], used in two general senses, I. To cause to stand, place, = colloco, pono; II. To stand, be placed, = sto.
    Sistere, in gen., = collocare (in class. prose only in the partic. uses, v. A. 4. C. and D., infra).
    Causative, with acc.
    To place = facere ut stet; constr. with in and abl., with abl. alone, and with ad, super, etc., and acc.:

    O qui me gelidis in vallibus Haemi Sistat,

    Verg. G. 2, 489:

    tertia lux classem Cretaeis sistet in oris,

    id. A. 3, 117 (classis stat;

    v. sto): inque tuo celerem litore siste gradum,

    Ov. H. 13, 102 (cf. infra, III. 2. A.):

    jaculum clamanti (al. clamantis) sistit in ore,

    plants the dart in his face, Verg. A. 10, 323:

    disponit quas in fronte manus, medio quas robore sistat,

    Stat. Th. 7, 393:

    (equum ligneum) sacratā sistimus arā,

    Verg. A. 2, 245:

    aeternis potius me pruinis siste,

    Stat. Th. 4, 395: ut stata (est) lux pelago, as soon as light was set ( shone) on the sea, id. ib. 5, 476:

    victima Sistitur ante aras,

    Ov. M. 15, 132:

    quam (suem) Aeneas ubi... sistit ad aram,

    Verg. A. 8, 85:

    post haec Sistitur crater,

    Ov. M. 8, 669: vestigia in altero (monte) sisti (non posse), that no footprints can be placed ( made) on the other mountain, Plin. 2, 96, 98, § 211:

    cohortes expeditas super caput hostium sistit,

    Tac. H. 3, 77; cf. id. A. 12, 13; Stat. Th. 4, 445; Sil. 4, 612. —
    To place, as the result of guidance or conveyance; hence, to convey, to send, lead, take, conduct to, = facere ut veniat; constr. with in and abl., with abl. alone, and with advv. of place: officio meo ripā sistetur in illā Haec, will be carried by me to, etc., Ov. M. 9, 109:

    terrā sistēre petitā,

    id. ib. 3, 635:

    (vos) facili jam tramite sistam,

    Verg. A. 6, 676:

    ut eum in Syriā aut Aegypto sisterent orabat,

    to convey him to, Tac. H. 2, 9.—So with hic (= in with abl.) or huc (= in with acc.):

    hic siste patrem,

    Sen. Phoen. 121:

    Annam huc siste sororem,

    Verg. A. 4, 634.—
    To place an army in order of battle, draw up, = instruere:

    aciem in litore sistit,

    Verg. A. 10, 309; cf.:

    sistere tertiam decimam legionem in ipso aggere jubet,

    Tac. H. 3, 21.—
    Se sistere = to betake one's self, to present one's self, to come (so twice in Cicero's letters):

    des operam, id quod mihi affirmasti, ut te ante Kal. Jan., ubicumque erimus, sistas,

    Cic. Att. 3, 25:

    te vegetum nobis in Graeciā sistas,

    id. ib. 10, 16, 6 (cf. infra, E.):

    hic dea se primum rapido pulcherrima nisu Sistit,

    Verg. A. 11, 853.—
    With two acc. (cf.: praesto, reddo) = to cause to be in a certain condition, to place, etc.; often with dat. of interest (ante- and post-class., and poet.; cf.

    supra, 4.): ego vos salvos sistam,

    I will place you in safety, see you to a safe place, Plaut. Rud. 4, 4, 5:

    omnia salva sistentur tibi,

    all will be returned to you in good order, id. ib. 5, 3, 3; so,

    suam rem sibi salvam sistam,

    id. Poen. 5, 2, 123; cf.:

    rectius tacitas tibi res sistam, quam quod dictum est mutae mulieri,

    will keep your secrets, id. ib. 4, 2, 54:

    neque (dotem) incolumem sistere illi, et detraxe autument,

    that you deliver it entire to her, id. Trin. 3, 3, 15:

    cum te reducem aetas prospera sistet,

    Cat. 64, 238: tu modo servitio vacuum me siste (= praesta) superbo, set me free from, Prop. 4, 16 (3, 17), 42:

    tutum patrio te limine sistam,

    will see you safe home, Verg. A. 2, 620:

    praedā onustos triumphantesque mecum domos reduces sistatis,

    Liv. 29, 27, 3 Weissenb. ad loc.:

    Pelasgis siste levem campum,

    Stat. Th. 8, 328:

    modo se isdem in terris victorem sisterent,

    Tac. A. 2, 14:

    operā tuā sistas hunc nobis sanum atque validum,

    give him back to us, safe and sound, Gell. 18, 10, 7: ita mihi salvam ac sospitem rempublicam sistere in suā sede liceat, Aug. ap. Suet. Aug. 28.—
    Neutr, with double nom., = exsistere, to be, to become: judex extremae sistet vitaeque necisque, he will become a judge, etc., Manil. 4, 548 (dub.):

    tempora quod sistant propriis parentia signis,

    id. 3, 529 (dub.; al. sic stant; cf. infra, II.).—
    As neuter verb, to stand, rest, be placed, lie ( poet.);

    constr. like sto: ne quis mihi obstiterit obviam, nam qui obstiterit, ore sistet,

    will lie on his face, Plaut. Capt. 4, 2, 13 Brix ad loc.: (nemo sit) tantā gloriā... quin cadat, quin capite sistat, will be placed or stand on his head, id. Curc. 2, 3, 8:

    ibi crebro, credo, capite sistebant cadi,

    id. Mil. 3, 2, 36 Lorenz (Brix, hoc illi crebro capite):

    ipsum si quicquam posse in se sistere credis,

    to rest upon itself, Lucr. 1, 1057:

    neque posse in terrā sistere terram,

    nor can the earth rest upon itself, id. 2, 603:

    at conlectus aquae... qui lapides inter sistit per strata viarum,

    id. 4, 415:

    incerti quo fata ferant, ubi sistere detur,

    to rest, to stay, Verg. A. 3, 7; cf.:

    quaesitisque diu terris, ubi sistere detur,

    Ov. M. 1, 307. —
    As jurid. term.
    In both a causative and neuter sense = to produce in court, or to appear in court after being bound over by the judge or by promise to the adversary (vadimonium); constr. either absol. or with the dat. of the adversary to whom the promise is made (alicui sisti), to appear upon somebody's demand; also, in judicio sisti. The present active is either used reflexively (se sistere = to appear), or with a transitive object (sistere aliquem = to produce in court one in whose behalf the promise has been made). The present passive, sisti, sistendus, sistitur, = to appear or to be produced. The perfect act., stiti, stitisse, rarely the perfect passive, status sum, = to have appeared, I appeared. So in all periods of the language:

    cum autem in jus vocatus fuerit adversarius, ni eo die finitum fuerit negotium, vadimonium ei faciendum est, id est ut promittat se certo die sisti,

    Gai. 4, 184:

    fit ut Alfenus promittat, Naevio sisti Quinctium,

    that Quinctius would be forthcoming upon Naevius's complaint, Cic. Quint. 21, 67; cf. id. ib. 8, 30 (v. infra, B.):

    testificatur, P. Quinctium non stitisse, et se stitisse,

    id. ib. 6, 25:

    quin puellam sistendam promittat (= fore ut puella sistatur in judicio),

    Liv. 3, 45, 3:

    interrogavit quisquam, in quem diem locumque vadimonium promitti juberet, et Scipio manum ad ipsam oppidi, quod obsidebatur, arcem protendens: Perendie sese sistant illo in loco,

    Gell. 7, 1, 10:

    si quis quendam in judicio sisti promiserit, in eādem causā eum debet sistere,

    Dig. 2, 11, 11:

    si servum in eādem causā sistere promiserit, et liber factus sistatur,... non recte sistitur,

    ib. 2, 9, 5:

    sed si statu liberum sisti promissum sit, in eādem causā sisti videtur, quamvis liber sistatur,

    ib. 2, 9, 6:

    cum quis in judicio sisti promiserit, neque adjecerit poenam si status non esset,

    ib. 2, 6, 4:

    si quis in judicio secundum suam promissionem non stitit,

    ib. 2, 11, 2, § 1; cf. ib. 2, 5, 1; 2, 8, 2; 2, 11, 2, § 3.—
    Vadimonium sistere, to present one's self in court, thus keeping the solemn engagement (vadimonium) made to that effect; lit., to make the vadimonium stand, i. e. effective, opp. deserere vadimonium = not to appear, to forfeit the vadimonium. The phrase does not occur in the jurists of the Pandects, the institution of the vadimonium being abolished by Marcus Aurelius. It is found in the following three places only: quid si vadimonium capite obvoluto stitisses? Cat. ap. Gell. 2, 14, 1: ut Quinctium sisti Alfenus promitteret. Venit Romam Quinctius;

    vadimonium sistit,

    Cic. Quint. 8, 30:

    ut nullum illa stiterit vadimonium sine Attico,

    Nep. Att. 9; Gai. 4, 185; cf. diem sistere under status, P. a. infra.—
    Transf., out of judicial usage, in gen., = to appear or present one's self, quasi ex vadimonio; constr. absol. or with dat. of the person entitled to demand the appearance:

    ubi tu es qui me vadatus's Veneriis vadimoniis? Sisto ego tibi me, et mihi contra itidem ted ut sistas suadeo (of a lover's appointment),

    Plaut. Curc. 1, 3, 5; so,

    tibi amatorem illum alacrem vadimonio sistam,

    produce, App. M. 9, p. 227, 14:

    nam promisimus carnufici aut talentum magnum, aut hunc hodie sistere,

    Plaut. Rud. 3, 4, 73:

    vas factus est alter ejus sistendi, ut si ille non revertisset, moriendum esset sibi,

    Cic. Off. 3, 10, 45. —
    Fana sistere, acc. to Festus anciently used, either = to place ( secure and fix places for) temples in founding a city, or to place the couches in the lectisternia:

    sistere fana, cum in urbe condendā dicitur, significat loca in oppido futurorum fanorum constituere: quamquam Antistius Labeo, in commentario XV. juris pontificii ait fana sistere esse lectisternia certis locis et diebus habere,

    Fest. p. 267 Lind. To this usage Plaut. perh. alludes:

    apud illas aedis sistendae mihi sunt sycophantiae,

    the place about that house I must make the scene of my tricks, Plaut. Trin. 4, 2, 25.—
    Sistere monumenta, etc., or sistere alone, to erect statues, etc. (= statuere; post-class. and rare;

    mostly in Tac.): ut apud Palatium effigies eorum sisteret,

    Tac. A. 15, 72:

    cum Augustus sibi templum sisti non prohibuisset,

    id. ib. 4 37:

    at Romae tropaea de Parthis arcusque sistebantur,

    id. ib. 15, 18:

    monuere ut... templum iisdem vestigiis sisteretur,

    id. H. 4, 53:

    sistere monumenta,

    Aus. Ep. 24, 55: Ast ego te... Carthaginis arce Marmoreis sistam templis (cf. histanai tina), Sil. 8, 231; v. statuo.
    Sistere = to cause what is tottering or loose to stand firm, to support or fasten; and neutr., to stand firm.
    Causative (rare;

    perh. not in class. prose) = stabilire: sucus... mobilis (dentes) sistit,

    Plin. 20, 3, 8, § 15; and trop.: hic (Marcellus) rem Romanam magno turbante tumultu Sistet (cf.: respublica stat;

    v. sto),

    Verg. A. 6, 858; cf.:

    non ita civitatem aegram esse, ut consuetis remediis sisti posset,

    Liv. 3, 20, 8 (where sisti may be impers.; v. infra, III. C.).—
    Neutr., to stand firm, to last, = stare:

    nec mortale genus, nec divum corpora sancta Exiguom possent horai sistere tempus,

    Lucr. 1, 1016: qui rem publicam sistere negat posse, nisi ad equestrem ordinem judicia referantur, Cotta ap. Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 96, § 223.—
    Neutr., to stand firm, to resist:

    nec quicquam Teucros Sustentare valet telis, aut sistere contra,

    Verg. A. 11, 873; so with dat. = resistere:

    donec Galba, inruenti turbae neque aetate neque corpore sistens, sella levaretur,

    Tac. H. 1, 35; cf. sisti = resistere, III. B. 1. f. infra.
    Sistere = to stand still, and to cause to stand still.
    Neutr. = stare (rare; in Varr., Tac., and the poets).
    To stand still:

    solstitium dictum est quod sol eo die sistere videatur,

    Varr. L. L. 5, p. 53 (Bip.):

    sistunt amnes,

    Verg. G. 1, 479:

    incurrit, errat, sistit,

    Sen. Herc. Oet. 248.—
    To remain, stop:

    Siste! Quo praeceps ruis?

    Sen. Thyest. 77; id. Oedip. 1050:

    vis tu quidem istum intra locum sistere?

    will you remain in that position? Tac. A. 4, 40.—
    Trop., to stop, not to go any farther:

    depunge, ubi sistam,

    Pers. 6, 79:

    nec in Hectore tracto sistere,

    to stop at the dragging of Hector, Stat. Achill. 1, 7.—
    To cease (dub.):

    hactenus sistat nefas' pius est,

    if his crime ceases here, he will be pious, Sen. Thyest. 744 (perh. act., to stop, end).—
    Causative (not ante-Aug.; freq. in Tac., Plin., and the poets).
    To arrest, stop, check an advancing motion.
    With gradum:

    plano sistit uterque gradum,

    arrest their steps, Prop. 5 (4), 10, 36; Verg. A. 6, 465:

    siste properantem gradum,

    Sen. Herc. Fur. 772:

    repente sistunt gradum,

    Curt. 4, 6, 14. —With pedem, Ov. R. Am. 80.—
    With fugam, to stop, stay, check, stem, arrest the flight:

    fugam foedam siste,

    Liv. 1, 12, 5:

    si periculo suo fugam sistere posset,

    id. 30, 12, 1; so Curt. 8, 14, 37; 4, 16, 2; 8, 3, 2; Tac. A. 12, 39.—
    Of vehicles, horses, etc.:

    esseda siste,

    Prop. 2, 1, 76:


    Verg. A. 12, 355:


    Stat. Achill. 2, 429; so id. Th. 5, 364.—
    With iter, to arrest the advance of an army, to halt:

    exercitus iter sistit,

    Tac. H. 3, 50.—
    With bellum, to halt (cf. infra, D.):

    Aquilejae sisti bellum expectarique Mucianum jubebat,

    Tac. H. 3, [p. 1712] 8.—
    Of living objects, in gen.
    To arrest their course, make them halt:

    aegre coercitam legionem Bedriaci sistit,

    Tac. H. 2, 23:

    festinantia sistens Fata,

    staying the hurrying Fates, Stat. S. 3, 4, 24.—So, se sistere with ab, to desist from:

    non prius se ab effuso cursu sistunt,

    Liv. 6, 29, 3; hence, to arrest by wounding, i. e. to wound or kill:

    aliquem cuspide,

    Sil. 1, 382; 1, 163; so,

    cervum vulnere sistere,

    id. 2, 78.—
    To stop a hostile attack of persons, to resist them, ward them off:

    ut non sisterent modo Sabinas legiones, sed in fugam averterent,

    Liv. 1, 37, 3:

    ibi integrae vires sistunt invehentem se jam Samnitem,

    id. 10, 14, 18:

    nec sisti vis hostium poterat,

    Curt. 5, 3, 11:

    nec sisti poterant scandentes,

    Tac. H. 3, 71; 5, 21. —
    Trop., to stop the advance of prices:

    pretia augeri in dies, nec mediocribus remediis sisti posse,

    Tac. A. 3, 52.—
    2. a.
    Of water:

    sistere aquam fluviis,

    Verg. A. 4, 489:

    amnis, siste parumper aquas,

    Ov. Am. 3, 6, 2:

    quae concita flumina sistunt,

    id. M. 7, 154:

    sistito infestum mare,

    calm, Sen. Agam. 523; cf. Ov. M. 7, 200; id. H. 6, 87; Plin. 28, 8, 29, § 118.—
    Of blood and secretions:

    (ea) quibus sistitur sanguis parari jubet,

    Tac. A. 15, 54:


    Plin. 20, 7, 25, § 59; 28, 18, 73, § 239; 27, 4, 5, § 18:

    haemorrhoidum abundantiam,

    id. 27, 4, 5, § 19:


    id. 20, 8, 27, § 71, 34, 10, 23, § 105; 35, 17, 57, § 195:


    id. 30, 13, 39, § 116; 24, 16, 94, § 151:


    id. 23, 6, 60, § 112:


    id. 20, 20, 81, § 213:

    alvum bubus,

    id. 18, 16, 42, § 143:


    stop the bowels, id. 23, 6, 60, § 113; 22, 25, 59, § 126; 20, 5, 18, § 37:


    id. 20, 23, 96, § 256; Mart. 13, 116.—
    To arrest the motion of life, make rigid:

    ille oculos sistit,

    Stat. Th. 2, 539.—
    To end, put an end to (= finem facere alicui rei); pass., to cease:


    Ov. M. 7, 711:


    id. ib. 14, 835:


    id. F. 1, 367; 480; 6, 154:


    id. Tr. 1, 2, 60:


    id. H. 16 (17), 266; id. M. 3, 153:


    id. ib. 5, 490:


    Stat. Th. 5, 663:

    furialem impetum,

    Sen. Med. 157; id. Agam. 203:

    pace tamen sisti bellum placet,

    Ov. M. 14, 803:

    antequam summa dies spectacula sistat,

    id. F. 4, 387:

    sitim sistere,

    to allay, id. P. 3, 1, 18:

    nec primo in limine sistit conatus scelerum,

    suppresses, Stat. S. 5, 2, 86:


    to stop destruction, Plin. Pan. 50, 4:


    to ward off, turn the wind, id. Ep. 2, 17, 17;

    (motus terrae) non ante quadraginta dies sistuntur, = desinunt,

    Plin. 2, 82, 84, § 198.—
    Sistere with intra = to confine, keep within:

    transgresso jam Alpes Caecina, quem sisti intra Gallias posse speraverant,

    Tac. H. 2, 11:

    dum populatio lucem intra sisteretur,

    provided the raids were confined to day-time, id. A. 4, 48. —
    Impers. and trop., to arrest or avoid an impending misfortune, or to stand, i. e. to endure; generally in the form sisti non potest (more rarely: sisti potest) = it cannot be endured, a disaster cannot be avoided or met (once in Plaut.; freq. in Liv.; sometimes in Tac.; cf., in gen., Brix ad Plaut. Trin. 720; Drak. ad Liv. 3, 16, 4; Weissenb. ad Liv. 2, 29, 8; Gronov. ad Liv. 4, 12, 6; Beneke ad Just. 11, 1, 6).
    Without a subject, res or a noun of general import being understood:

    quid ego nunc agam, nisi ut clipeum ad dorsum accommodem, etc.? Non sisti potest,

    it is intolerable, Plaut. Trin. 3, 2, 94:

    totam plebem aere alieno demersam esse, nec sisti posse nisi omnibus consulatur,

    Liv. 2, 29, 8:

    si domestica seditio adiciatur, sisti non posse,

    the situation will be desperate, id. 45, 19, 3:

    si quem similem priore anno dedissent, non potuisse sisti,

    id. 3, 9, 8:

    vixque concordiā sisti videbatur,

    that the crisis could scarcely be met, even by harmonious action, id. 3, 16, 4:

    qualicunque urbis statu, manente disciplinā militari sisti potuisse,

    these evils were endurable, id. 2, 44, 10: exercitum gravi morbo affectari, nec sisti potuisse ni, etc., it would have ended in disaster, if not, etc., id. 29, 10, 1:

    qui omnes populi si pariter deficiant, sisti nullo modo posse,

    Just. 11, 1, 6 Gronov. ad loc.; cf. Liv. 3, 20, 8 supra, II. A. 1.— Rarely with a subject-clause understood: nec jam sisti poterat, and it was no longer tolerable, i. e. that Nero should disgrace himself, etc., Tac. A. 14, 14.—
    Rarely with quin, to prevent etc. (pregn., implying also the stopping of something; cf.

    supra, III. B. 1.): neque sisti potuit quin et palatium et domus et cuncta circum haurirentur (igni),

    Tac. A. 15, 39.—Hence, stătus, a, um, P. a., as attribute of nouns, occurs in several conventional phrases, as relics of archaic usage.
    Status (condictusve) dies cum hoste, in the XII. Tables, = a day of trial fixed by the judge or agreed upon with the adversary;

    esp., a peregrinus (= hostis),

    Cic. Off. 1, 12, 37. It presupposes a phrase, diem sistere, prob.=vadimonium sistere (v. supra, I. C. 2.). Such an appointment was an excuse from the most important public duties, even for soldiers from joining the army, Cinc. ap. Gell. 16, 4, 4.—

    Hence, transf.: si status condictus cum hoste intercedit dies, tamen est eundum quo imperant,

    i. e. under all circumstances we must go, Plaut. Curc. 1, 1, 5.—
    In certain phrases, appointed, fixed, regular (cf. statutus, with which it is often confounded in MSS.):

    status dies: tres in anno statos dies habere quibus, etc.,

    Liv. 39, 13, 8:

    stato loco statisque diebus,

    id. 42, 32, 2; so id. 5, 52, 2; 27, 23 fin.:

    stato lustri die,

    Sen. Troad. 781:

    status sacrificii dies,

    Flor. 1, 3, 16:

    statum tempus, statā vice, etc.: lunae defectio statis temporibus fit,

    Liv. 44, 37 init.; so id. 28, 6, 10:

    stato tempore,

    Tac. A. 12, 13; id. H. 4, 81; Plin. 11, 37, 65, § 173:

    stata tempora (partus),

    Stat. Achill. 2, 673:

    adeo in illā plagā mundus statas vices temporum mutat,

    Curt. 8, 19, 13; so id. 9, 9, 9; 5, 1, 23; so, feriae, etc.: feriae statae appellabantur quod certo statutoque die observarentur, Paul. ex Fest. p. 69 Lind.:

    stata quinquennia,

    Stat. S. 5, 3, 113:

    stata sacra or sacrificia: stata sacrificia sunt quae certis diebus fieri debent,

    Fest. p. 264 Lind.:

    proficiscuntur Aeniam ad statum sacrificium,

    Liv. 40, 4, 9; 23, 35, 3; 5, 46, 2; 39, 13, 8; Cic. Mil. 17, 45:

    solemne et statum sacrificium (al. statutum),

    id. Tusc. 1, 47, 113; so Liv. 23, 35, 3:

    stata sacra,

    Ov. F. 2, 528; Stat. Th. 1, 666:

    stata foedera,

    id. ib. 11, 380:

    status flatus,

    Sen. Ben. 4, 28:

    stati cursus siderum,

    Plin. 18, 29, 69, § 291 (different: statae stellae = fixed stars, Censor. D. N. 8, belonging to II. 2. supra): statae febres, intermittent fevers, returning regularly, Plin. 28, 27, 28, § 107.—
    Moderate, average, normal:

    inter enim pulcherrimam feminam et deformissimam media forma quaedam est, quae et a nimio pulcritudinis periculo et a summo deformitatis odio vacat, qualis a Q. Ennio perquam eleganti vocabulo stata dicitur...Ennius autem eas fere feminas ait incolumi pudicitia esse quae statā formā forent,

    Gell. 5, 11, 12 -14 (v. Enn. Trag. p. 133 Vahl.).

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > sisto

  • 90 now

    1. adverb
    1) ((at) the present period of time: I am now living in England.) ahora
    2) (at once; immediately: I can't do it now - you'll have to wait.) ya, ahora mismo
    3) ((at) this moment: He'll be at home now; From now on, I shall be more careful about what I say to her.) ahora
    4) ((in stories) then; at that time: We were now very close to the city.) entonces
    5) (because of what has happened etc: I now know better than to trust her.) ahora
    6) (a word in explanations, warnings, commands, or to show disbelief: Now this is what happened; Stop that, now!; Do be careful, now.) entonces

    2. conjunction
    ((often with that) because or since something has happened, is now true etc: Now that you are here, I can leave; Now you have left school, you will have to find a job.) ahora que, ya que
    - for now
    - just now
    - every now and then/again
    - now and then/again
    - now
    - now!
    - now then

    now adv
    1. ahora
    we used to write by hand, but now we use computers antes escribíamos a mano, pero ahora usamos ordenadores
    2. ya
    I can't wait, I want it now! no puedo esperar, ¡lo quiero ya!
    where do you work now? ¿dónde trabajas ahora?
    2 (immediately) ya, ahora mismo
    do it now! ¡hazlo ya!
    3 (in past) ya, entonces
    4 (introductory) bueno, vamos a ver, veamos
    now, let's begin bueno, empecemos
    1 (Also now that) ahora que, ya que
    now (that) we're all here, we can begin ya que estamos todos, podemos empezar
    by now ya
    for now por el momento
    from now on de ahora en adelante
    just now (at this moment) en estos momentos, ahora mismo 2 (a short while ago) hace un momento, ahora mismo
    have you seen Ann? -- she was here just now ¿has visto a Ann? --estaba aquí hace un momento
    now and then de vez en cuando
    now now vale, basta, ya está bien
    now, now, don't fight vale ya, no os peleéis
    right now ahora mismo
    now ['naʊ] adv
    1) presently: ahora, ya, actualmente
    from now on: de ahora en adelante
    long before now: ya hace tiempo
    now and then: de vez en cuando
    2) immediately: ahora (mismo), inmediatamente
    do it right now!: ¡hazlo ahora mismo!
    3) then: ya, entonces
    now they were ready: ya estaban listos
    4) (used to introduce a statement, a question, a command, or a transition)
    now hear this!: ¡presten atención!
    now what do you think of that?: ¿qué piensas de eso?
    until now: hasta ahora
    by now: ya
    ten years from now: dentro de 10 años
    now conj
    now that : ahora que, ya que
    ahora adv.
    entonces adv.
    hora adv.
    ora adv.
    pues adv.
    ya adv.
    actualidad s.f.
    momento presente s.m.
    noun (in US) = National Organization for Women
    1. ADV
    1) (of present, immediate future)
    a) (=at this time) ahora

    what shall we do now? — ¿qué hacemos ahora?

    now for something completely different — y ahora algo totalmente distinto

    not now, dear — ahora no, querido

    right now all I want to do is... — en este momento or ahora mismo, lo único que me apetece es...

    the time is now eight o'clock — son las ocho

    b) (=these days) hoy en día, ahora

    nobody would think of doing that nowhoy en día or ahora a nadie se le ocurriría hacer eso

    c) (=at last, already) ya

    can I go now? — ¿ya me puedo ir?

    d) (=immediately) ahora; (more emphatic) ya

    if we leave now, we'll be there by six — si salimos ahora or ya, estaremos allí para las seis

    it's now or neveres ahora o nunca

    I'll do it right now — lo haré ahora mismo

    they've been married now for 30 years — ya llevan 30 años casados, hace 30 años que se casaron

    it had once been the pantry but was now his office — tiempo atrás había sido la despensa, pero ahora era su estudio

    as of now — a partir de ahora

    before now — (=already) ya, antes; (=in the past) antes de ahora; (=till this moment) hasta ahora, antes

    you should have done that before now — ya tendrías que haber hecho eso, tendrías que haber hecho eso antes

    between now and next Tuesday — entre hoy y el martes que viene

    by now, they must be there by now — ya deben haber llegado

    by now it was clear that... — en ese momento ya estaba claro que...

    that will be all for now, that will do for now — por ahora or por el momento basta con eso

    (in) three weeks/100 years from now — dentro de tres semanas/100 años

    from now on(with present, future tense) a partir de ahora, de ahora en adelante; (with past tense) a partir de entonces

    till now, until now, up to now — (=till this moment) hasta ahora; (=till that moment) hasta entonces

    5) (=in these circumstances)
    a) (gen) ya

    it's raining, now we won't be able to go — está lloviendo, ya no podemos ir

    how can I believe you now? — ¿cómo puedo seguir confiando en ti?

    now what (do we do)? — ¿y ahora, qué (hacemos)?

    they won't be long now — no tardarán en venir, al rato vienen (Mex)

    now you've gone and done it! * — ¡ahora sí que la has hecho buena! *

    now look what you've done! — ¡mira lo que has hecho!

    (every) now and againde vez en cuando

    any minute or moment now — de un momento a otro

    just now — (=at this moment) ahora mismo, en este momento; (=a moment ago) hace un momento

    I'm busy just nowahora mismo or en este momento estoy ocupado

    I saw him come in just now — lo he visto entrar hace un momento, acabo de verlo entrar

    (every) now and thende vez en cuando

    here 1., 6)

    now, as you all know... — bien or bueno, como todos sabéis...

    now, some people may disagree but... — bien or bueno, puede que algunos no estén de acuerdo pero...

    now there's a coincidence! — ¡eso sí que es una coincidencia!

    now, what's everyone drinking? — a ver, ¿qué queréis tomar?

    d) (remonstrating, pacifying)

    now Fred, you don't really mean that — vamos Fred, no lo dices en serio

    now, now, don't get so upset! — ¡venga, no te pongas así!

    now, now, we'll have none of that! — ¡vale ya, nada de tonterías!

    come now, you must be hungry — venga ya, no me digas que no tienes hambre

    hush now, don't cry — shh, no llores

    now then, what's the trouble? — ¡entonces a ver! ¿cuál es el problema?

    now then, don't tease! — ¡ya está bien, deja de burlarte!

    well now, what have we here! — ¡vamos a ver! ¿qué tenemos aquí?


    now..., now...: now she dances, now she sings — liter tan pronto está bailando como cantando

    here 3.
    ADJ actual
    * * *
    noun (in US) = National Organization for Women

    English-spanish dictionary > now

  • 91 nunc

    nunc, adv. [Sanscr. nu, nūnam, now; Gr. nu, nun; cf. Lat. num, with demonstr. -ce], now, at present, at this time (prop of that which is present to the speaker or writer).
    In gen.
    Contrasted with past time (opp. tum, tunc, antea, quondam, aliquando, olim, etc.):

    longe aliam, inquam, praebes nunc atque olim,

    Plaut. As. 1, 3, 53; Ter. Heaut. 2, 1, 4:

    alium esse censes nunc me atque olim,

    id. And. 3, 3, 13:

    omnia, quae sunt conclusa nunc artibus, dispersa quondam fuerunt,

    Cic. de Or 1, 42, 187:

    sed tu illum animum nunc adhibe, quaeso, quo me tum esse oportere censebas,

    id. Fam. 6, 1, 16; Ter. Ad. 1, 2, 24; Verg. A. 6, 776: sed erat tunc excusatio oppressis;

    nunc nulla est,

    Cic. Phil. 7, 5, 14; Liv. 4, 34, 6; 4, 25, 13:

    arx minus aliquanto nunc munita quam antea,

    Cic. Div. in Caecil. 5, 13: nunc si videtur, hoc;

    illud alias,

    id. Tusc. 1, 11, 23; Liv. 29, 18, 18; Suet. Tib. 29:

    aut nunc... aut aliquando,

    Cic. Mil. 25, 67:

    ante hoc tempus numquam... sed nunc,

    id. Ac. 1, 1, 3.—
    Contrasted with future time (opp. postea, mox, olim, etc.):

    Cluentio nisi nunc satisfecero, postea satisfaciendi potestas non erit,

    Cic. Clu. 4, 10; Liv. 39, 19, 6:

    deos nunc testes esse, mox fore ultores,

    id. 3, 2, 4; 3, 25, 8:

    qui olim nominabitur, nunc intellegitur,

    Quint. 10, 1, 104; Verg. A. 4, 627; cf. Liv. 40, 15, 4.—
    Absol. of present time, without suggestion of contrast, = hodie, nostro tempore:

    nunc tibi pater hic est,

    Plaut. Capt. 5, 4, 21:

    Marcellus, qui nunc aedilis curulis est,

    Cic. de Or. 1, 13, 57.— With the interrog. ne, in the form nun-cine (for num-ce-ne;

    ante-class.): hem, nuncin demum?

    Ter. And. 4, 1, 59.—
    Strengthened by demum, denique, primum (v. h. vv.):

    nunc demum intellego,

    Plaut. Mil. 2, 6, 62; Ter. Heaut. 2, 3, 12:

    nunc demum rescribo his litteris,

    Cic. Att. 16, 3, 1:

    tantum accessit, ut mihi nunc denique amare videar, antea dilexisse,

    id. ib. 14, 17, A, 5; id. Fam. 9, 14, 11; Ov. A. A. 3, 121:

    nunc, quam rem oratum huc veni, primum proloquar,

    Plaut. Am. prol. 50; 2, 2, 63; 2, 2, 52:

    nunc primum hoc aures tuae crimen accipiunt?

    Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 8, § 24; 2, 2, 60, § 147:

    hoc quoque propter tuos ternos denarios nunc primum postulatur,

    id. ib. 2, 3, 25, § 63.—
    In special phrases.
    Ut nunc est, as things now are, in the present state of affairs, as matters stand: constitui, ut nunc est, cum exercitu proficisci, Poll. ap. Cic. Fam. 9, 31, 17:

    quae (causae) si manebunt... et, ut nunc est, mansurae videntur,

    Cic. Att. 12, 29, 1:

    suaviter, ut nunc est, inquam,

    Hor. S. 1, 9, 5.—
    Qui nunc sunt, the men of this time, those now living, the present age:

    judiciis, qui nunc sunt. hominum,

    Cic. ad Q. Fr. 1, 1, 15, § 43; Plin. 22, 25, 71, § 147; cf.:

    tace stulta: non tu nunc hominum mores vides?

    of the men of this day, Plaut. Pers. 3, 1, 57.—
    Nunc ipsum, just now, at this very time:

    quin nunc ipsum non dubitabo rem tantam abicere si id erit rectius,

    Cic. Att. 7, 3, 2; 8, 9, 2; 12, 40, 2:

    nunc tamen ipsum,

    id. ib. 12, 16, 11.—Nunc repeated with emphasis:

    nunc, nunc o liceat crudelem abrumpere vitam,

    Verg. A. 8, 579 (al. nunc o nunc);

    5, 189: nunc, nunc adeste, nunc in hostiles domos Iram vertite,

    Hor. Epod. 5, 53.—
    Of past or future time, conceived as present, now, at that time.
    Of past time:

    id adeo nos nunc factum invenimus,

    Plaut. Most. 2, 2, 46: item Menandri Phasma nunc nuper dedit (Gr. nun arti), Ter. Eun. prol. 9:

    nunc in causā refrixit,

    Cic. Planc. 23, 55:

    quos ego campos antea nitidissimos vidissem, hos ita vastatos nunc videbam, ut, etc.,

    id. Verr. 2, 3, 18, § 47:

    nunc reus erat apud Crassum,

    id. Att. 2, 24, 4:

    cum eum antea tui similem in dicendo viderim, tum vero nunc... multo videbam similiorem,

    id. Brut. 71, 250:

    incerto nunc etiam exitu victoriae signa intulerunt,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 62, 6; 6, 40, 6: nunc Saliaribus Ornare pul vinar deorum Tempus erat dapibus, Hor C. 1, 37, 2.—Esp. in orat. obliq., where the nunc of direct narration is retained: dixit, nunc demum se voti esse damnatum, Nep Timol. 5, 3; Liv. 3, 19, 8; 3, 40, 10; 8, 33, 18; 8, 34, 3;

    42, 52, 8: nec nunc adulteria objecturum ait,

    Tac. A. 11, 30; cf. Nipperd. ad Tac. A. 14, 35; Krebs, Antibarb. p. 774. —
    Of future time (rare):

    quis nunc te adibit? Cui videberis bella? Quem nunc amabis?

    Cat. 8, 16 sq.; Just. 8, 2, 10.—
    Of the state of affairs, the condition of the argument, etc., now, under these circumstances, in view of this.
    In gen.:

    nunc quoniam hominem generavit et ornavit deus, perspicuum sit, etc.,

    Cic. Leg. 1, 9, 27; Prop. 4, 9, 73:

    vera igitur illa sunt nunc omnia,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 33, 106:

    non ego nunc vereor, ne sis mihi vilior istis,

    Prop. 1, 2, 25; Ov. F. 1, 333:

    nunc itaque et versus et cetera ludicra pono,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 1, 10:

    quid nunc?

    Plaut. As. 3, 3, 71; id. Aul. 2, 3, 77.—
    Introducing a fact or conclusion opposed to a previous supposition or thought:

    etiamsi ad vos esset singulos aliquid ex hoc agro perventurum, tamen honestius eum vos universi quam singuli possideretis. Nunc vero cum ad nos nihil pertineat, etc.,

    Cic. Agr. 2, 31, 85; id. Tusc. 3, 1, 2; id. Cat. 2, 7, 16; id. Font. 11, 24: si ecastor nunc habeas quod des, alia verba perhibeas;

    nunc quia nihil habes, maledictis te eam ductare postulas,

    Plaut. As. 1, 3, 36; id. Bacch. 3, 3, 8; Quint. 8, 6, 48; 10, 5, 7; Liv. 21, 40, 3:

    quodsi Mazaeus supervenisset, ingens clades accipi potuit: nunc, dum ille segnis in eo tumulo sedet, etc.,

    Curt. 4, 12, 15.—
    Nunc... nunc, now... now; at one time, at another; sometimes... sometimes:

    tribuni plebis nunc fraudem, nunc neglegentiam consulum accusabant,

    Liv. 4, 2:

    nunc hac parte, nunc illā,

    id. 34, 13:

    ut nunc in liminibus starent, nunc errabundi domos suas pervagarentur,

    id. 1, 29:

    nunc hos, nunc illos aditus omnemque pererrat Arte locum,

    Verg. A. 5, 441; 5, 189:

    nunc huc, nunc illuc curro,

    Ov. H. 10, 19.—Also thrice repeated:

    nunc ad prima signa, nunc in medium, nunc in ultimo agmine aderat,

    Curt. 7, 3, 17; Just. 4, 1, 4;

    and even five times,

    Sen. Dial. 5 (Ira), 3, 6.—The first nunc is sometimes poetically omitted: pariterque sinistros, Nunc dextros solvere sinus, Verg. A. [p. 1228] 5, 830.—
    Nunc... mox, Vell. 2, 63.—
    Nunc... postremo, Liv. 3, 49.—
    Nunc... modo, Liv. 8, 32; Ov. M. 13, 922.—
    In forming a climax, but now, Plaut. Bacch. 3, 3, 8:

    quae quidem multo plura evenirent, si ad quietem integri iremus: nunc onusti cibo et vino perturbata et confusa cernimus,

    Cic. Div. 1, 29, 60:

    si haec non ad cives Romanos, si non ad homines, verum ad bestias conqueri vellem, tamen tantā rerum atrocitate commoverentur. Nunc vero cum loquar apud senatores populi Romani, etc.,

    id. Verr. 2, 5, 67, § 171:

    si... nunc (vero),

    id. Font. 11, 25; id. Cat. 2, 7, 14; id. Fam. 15, 13, 3: cum aliquid videbatur caveri posse, tum id neglegi dolebam;

    nunc vero, eversis omnibus rebus, etc.,

    id. ib. 6, 21, 1: cum... nunc vero, Brut. ap. Cic. Fam. 11, 19, 1.—
    In a transition, to introduce a new subject, in that case, now, then: abi nunc, populi fidem implora, Auct. ap. Cic. Fam. 10, 32, 3; Sen. Ben. 5, 12, 3 sq.; 6, 35, 5; Plaut. Stich. 1, 3, 17; cf. Sall. J. 14, 17; for nunciam, v. jam, I. A. 1. b.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > nunc

  • 92 Zeit

    Präp. (+ Gen): zeit seines etc. Lebens gesamt: his etc. whole life long; (von da an) for the rest of his etc. life; zeitlebens
    * * *
    die Zeit
    (Ablauf) time;
    (Grammatik) tense;
    (Uhrzeit) hour; time;
    (Zeitalter) age; era
    * * *
    f -, -en
    1) time; (= Epoche) age

    die gute alte Zéít — the good old days

    es erinnerte ihn an alte Zéíten — it reminded him of the old days

    das waren noch Zéíten! — those were the days

    die Zéíten sind schlecht — times are bad

    die Zéíten haben sich geändert — times have changed

    die Zéít Goethes — the age of Goethe

    die damalige Zéít machte die Einführung neuer Methoden erforderlich — the situation at the time required the introduction of new methods

    wenn Zéít und Umstände es erfordern — if circumstances demand it, if the situation requires it

    die jetzigen Zéíten erfordern,... — the present situation requires...

    für alle Zéíten — for ever, for all time (liter)

    etw für alle Zéíten entscheiden — to decide sth once and for all

    in seiner/ihrer besten Zéít — at his/her peak

    mit der Zéít gehen — to move with the times

    vor der Zéít alt werden — to get old before one's time

    Zéít — before sb's time

    die Zéít ist knapp bemessen — time is short

    die Zéít verging wie im Flug — time flew by

    die Zéít wurde mir lang — time hung heavy on my hands

    eine lange Zéít her sein or zurückliegen, dass... — to be a long time (ago or back) since...

    eine Stunde Zéít haben — to have an hour (to spare)

    Fräulein Glück, haben Sie vielleicht einen Augenblick Zéít? — Miss Glück, do you have a moment?

    für jdn/etw Zéít nehmen — to devote time to sb/sth

    sich Zéít füreinander nehmen — to make time for one another

    dafür muss ich mir mehr Zéít nehmen — I need more time for that

    die Zéít nehmen, etw zu tun — to take the time to do sth

    du hast dir aber reichlich Zéít gelassen — you certainly took your time

    hier bin ich die längste Zéít gewesen — it's about time or it's high time I was going

    keine Zéít verlieren — to lose no time

    damit hat es noch Zéít — there's no rush or hurry, there's plenty of time

    das hat Zéít bis morgen — that can wait until tomorrow

    lass dir Zéít — take your time

    ... aller Zéíten —... of all time,... ever

    auf bestimmte Zéít — for a certain length of time

    auf unbestimmte Zéít — for an indefinite period

    in letzter Zéít — recently

    die ganze Zéít über — the whole time

    eine Zéít lang — a while, a time

    wir sind eine Zéít lang dortgeblieben — we stayed there (for) a while or for a time

    eine Zéít lang ist das ganz schön — for a while or time it's quite nice

    mit der Zéít — gradually, in time

    nach Zéít bezahlt werden — to be paid by the hour

    die Zéít heilt alle Wunden (Prov)time is a great healer (prov)

    auf Zéít spielen (Sport, fig)to play for time

    es wird langsam Zéít, dass... — it's about time that...

    für dich wird es langsam Zéít, dass... — it's about time that you...

    seine Zéít ist gekommen — his time has come

    hast du (die) genaue Zéít? — do you have the exact time?

    in der Zéít von 10 bis 12 — between 10 and 12 (o'clock)

    es ist an der Zéít, dass... — it is about time or it's high time (that)...

    Vertrag auf Zéít — fixed-term contract

    Beamter auf Zéít — ≈ nonpermanent civil servant

    Soldat auf Zéít — soldier serving for a set time

    seit dieser Zéít — since then

    zur Zéít or zu Zéíten Königin Viktorias — in Queen Victoria's time

    zu der Zéít, als... — (at the time) when...

    alles zu seiner Zéít (prov)all in good time

    von Zéít zu Zéít — from time to time

    2) (LING) tense

    in welcher Zéít steht das Verb? — what tense is the verb in?

    * * *
    1) (a period of time during which something lasts: a spell of bad health.) spell
    2) (the hour of the day: What time is it?; Can your child tell the time yet?) time
    3) (the passage of days, years, events etc: time and space; Time will tell.) time
    4) (the quantity of minutes, hours, days etc, eg spent in, or available for, a particular activity etc: This won't take much time to do; I enjoyed the time I spent in Paris; At the end of the exam, the supervisor called `Your time is up!') time
    * * *
    <-, -en>
    1. (Ablauf) time
    wie doch die \Zeit vergeht! how time flies!
    die \Zeit stand still time stood still
    im Lauf der [o mit der] \Zeit in time, gradually
    mit der \Zeit erholte er sich von seiner Krankheit as time passed, he recovered from his illness
    mit der \Zeit wird sie darüber hinwegkommen she'll get over it in time
    2. (Zeitraum) [period of] time
    eine \Zeit lang for a while [or a time]
    die \Zeit ist knapp time is short
    es ist erst kurze \Zeit her, dass... it's only a short time ago since...
    Beamter auf \Zeit non-permanent civil servant
    Vertrag auf \Zeit fixed-term contract
    jdn auf \Zeit beschäftigen [o einstellen] to employ sb on a temporary basis
    auf \Zeit kaufen BÖRSE to buy forward
    etw auf \Zeit mieten to rent sth temporarily
    auf bestimmte \Zeit for a certain length of time
    auf unabsehbare \Zeit for an unforeseeable period, unforeseeably
    auf unbestimmte \Zeit for an indefinite period, indefinitely
    eine ganze/einige/längere \Zeit dauern to take quite some/some/a long time
    die ganze \Zeit [über] the whole time
    \Zeit gewinnen to gain time
    [keine] \Zeit haben to [not] have time
    \Zeit haben, etw zu tun to have the time to do sth
    zehn Minuten/zwei Tage \Zeit haben[, etw zu tun] to have ten minutes/two days [to do sth]
    haben Sie einen Augenblick \Zeit? have you got a moment to spare?
    das hat [o damit hat es] noch \Zeit that can wait, there's no rush [or hurry]
    mit etw dat hat es noch \Zeit sth can wait
    in kurzer \Zeit very quickly
    in kürzester \Zeit in no time
    eine [o einige] \Zeit lang for a time
    jdm wird die \Zeit lang sb is bored
    jdm \Zeit lassen to give sb time
    sich dat [mit etw dat] \Zeit lassen to take one's time [with sth]
    in letzter \Zeit lately
    in nächster \Zeit in the near future
    in der \Zeit vom... bis... in the time between... and...
    nach \Zeit bezahlt werden to be paid by the hour
    sich dat [mehr] \Zeit [für jdn/etw] nehmen to devote [more] time [to sb/sth]
    \Zeit raubend time-consuming
    durch die \Zeit reisen to travel through time
    \Zeit sparend time-saving
    jdm die \Zeit stehlen (fam) to waste sb's time
    keine \Zeit verlieren to not lose any more time
    jdm/sich die \Zeit mit etw dat vertreiben to help sb/one pass the time with sth
    vor langer \Zeit long [or a long time] ago
    die \Zeit vor Weihnachten the period before Christmas
    3. (Zeitpunkt) time
    es ist [o wird] [höchste] \Zeit [o es ist an der \Zeit], etw zu tun it's [high] time to do sth
    es ist höchste \Zeit, dass wir die Tickets kaufen it's high time we bought the tickets
    es ist jetzt nicht die \Zeit, Entscheidungen zu treffen it's not the right time to make decisions
    es wird [für jdn] \Zeit, dass... it's about time that [sb]...
    wenn es an der \Zeit ist when the time is right
    feste \Zeiten haben to have set times
    zu gegebener \Zeit in due course
    jds \Zeit ist gekommen (euph geh) sb's time has come euph
    zur gleichen \Zeit at the same time
    nächste Woche um diese \Zeit this time next week
    zu nachtschlafender \Zeit in the middle of the night
    seit dieser [o der] \Zeit since then
    von \Zeit zu \Zeit from time to time
    vor der \Zeit prematurely
    vor seiner \Zeit alt werden/sterben to get old/die before one's time
    zu jeder \Zeit at any time
    zur rechten \Zeit at the right time
    4. (Uhrzeit) time
    jdn nach der \Zeit fragen to ask sb for the time
    die genaue \Zeit the exact time
    mitteleuropäische/westeuropäische \Zeit Central European/Greenwich Mean Time
    das waren noch \Zeiten those were the days
    die \Zeiten ändern sich times are changing
    das war die schönste \Zeit meines Lebens those were the best years of my life
    ... aller \Zeiten... of all times
    die \Zeit der Aufklärung the age of enlightenment
    in jds bester \Zeit at sb's peak
    für alle \Zeiten for ever, for all time liter
    ich wollte das für alle \Zeiten klarstellen I wanted to make that clear once and for all
    mit der \Zeit gehen to move with the times
    die gute alte \Zeit the good old days
    in guten/schlechten \Zeiten in good/bad times
    für kommende \Zeiten for times to come
    für schlechte \Zeiten sparen to save money for a rainy day
    seit uralten [o ewigen] \Zeiten since/from time immemorial
    vor \Zeiten (liter) a long time ago
    etw war vor jds \Zeit sth was before sb's time
    jd ist seiner \Zeit voraus sb is ahead of his time
    zu jener \Zeit at that time
    zur \Zeit [o zu \Zeiten] Goethes in Goethe's day [or times
    6. LING (Tempus) tense
    7. SPORT time
    eine gute \Zeit laufen to run a good time
    auf \Zeit spielen to play for time
    alle \Zeit der Welt haben to have all the time in the world
    alles zu seiner \Zeit all in good time
    die \Zeit arbeitet für jdn (fig) time is on sb's side
    die \Zeit drängt time presses
    \Zeit ist Geld time is money
    die \Zeit heilt alle Wunden (prov) time heals all wounds prov
    kommt \Zeit, kommt Rat (prov) things have a way of sorting themselves out
    wer nicht kommt zur rechten \Zeit, der muss nehmen, was übrig bleibt (prov) the early bird catches the worm prov
    ach du liebe \Zeit! (fam) goodness me! fam
    \Zeit schinden (fam) to play for time
    spare in der \Zeit, dann hast du in der Not (prov) waste not, want not
    die \Zeit totschlagen (fam) to kill time fam
    * * *
    die; Zeit, Zeiten
    1) o. Pl. time no art.

    mit der Zeit — with time; in time; (allmählich) gradually

    die Zeit arbeitet für/gegen jemanden — time is on somebody's side/is against somebody

    die Zeit drängt — time is pressing; there is [precious] little time

    sich (Dat.) die Zeit [mit etwas] vertreiben — pass the time [with/doing something]

    jemandem Zeit/drei Tage usw. Zeit lassen — give somebody time/three days etc.

    sich (Dat.) Zeit lassen — take one's time

    sich (Dat.) für jemanden/etwas Zeit nehmen — make time for somebody/something

    2) (Zeitpunkt) time

    seit der od. dieser Zeit — since that time

    vor der Zeit — prematurely; early

    zur Zeit — at the moment; at present

    3) (Zeitabschnitt, Lebensabschnitt) time; period; (Geschichtsabschnitt) age; period
    4) (Sport) time

    über die Zeit kommen (Boxen) go the distance

    5) (Sprachw.) tense
    * * *
    Zeit f; -, -en
    1. nur sg time;
    auf Zeit Vertrag etc: fixed-term …;
    Beamter/Soldat auf Zeit civil servant (appointed) on a fixed-term contract/soldier serving for a specified period of time;
    eine Zeit lang for a while;
    für alle Zeit obs forever;
    (für) einige Zeit for a time;
    es wird noch einige Zeit dauern, bis … it’ll be some time before …;
    in meiner etc
    freien Zeit in my etc free time;
    die ganze Zeit hindurch the whole time;
    sie hat es die ganze Zeit gewusst she knew all along ( oder all the time);
    in kurzer Zeit (schnell) very quickly; (bald) very soon, shortly;
    in kürzester Zeit in no time;
    lange Zeit a long time;
    vor langer Zeit long ago, a long time ago;
    die längste Zeit umg long enough;
    der letzten Zeit lately, recently;
    der nächsten Zeit soon, presently;
    mit der Zeit in the course of time; Vergangenheit: auch as time went on;
    die Zeit schien stillzustehen time seemed to stand still;
    verstreicht time goes by ( oder passes oder elapses);
    wie doch die Zeit vergeht! how time flies!;
    einige Zeit verstreichen lassen, bevor … wait a while before (+ger)
    mir wird die Zeit nie lang I’ve got plenty to keep me occupied;
    das dauert seine Zeit it takes time;
    mir fehlt die Zeit I (just) haven’t got the time;
    ich gebe dir Zeit bis morgen/5 Minuten Zeit I’ll give you till tomorrow/five minutes;
    mit der Zeit gehen move ( oder keep up) with the times;
    Zeit gewinnen gain time;
    hast du ein paar Stunden Zeit? can you spare a couple of hours?;
    sie hat nie Zeit für mich she never has any time for me;
    wenn Sie Zeit haben whenever you have (the) time; (falls) if you have (the) time;
    das hat Zeit (bis morgen) that can wait (till oder until tomorrow);
    lass dir Zeit! there’s no hurry ( oder rush), take your time;
    jemandem Zeit lassen give sb time;
    sich (dat)
    Zeit lassen take one’s time (
    dazu over it);
    sich (dat)
    die Zeit nehmen zu (+inf) take time to (+inf)
    er nimmt sich kaum Zeit zum Essen he hardly takes any time off to eat;
    eine (viel) Zeit sparende Lösung a solution that will save (a lot of) time;
    auf Zeit spielen play for time, temporize;
    sich (dat)
    die Zeit vertreiben while away the time;
    die Zeit arbeitet für/gegen uns time is on our side/not on our side;
    (die) Zeit heilt alle Wunden sprichw time is the great healer;
    Zeit ist Geld sprichw time is money;
    ach du liebe Zeit! umg goodness (me)!;
    zu Zeiten (während) at the time of, in the days of
    2. (Zeitraum) (period of) time; (Zeitalter) era, age;
    in der Zeit vom … bis … in the time between … and …;
    zur Zeit Goethes in Goethe’s day ( oder time);
    das war vor meiner Zeit that was before my time;
    zu meiner Zeit in my time; an der Uni etc: auch when I was at university (besonders US in college) etc;
    seiner Zeit voraus sein be ahead of one’s time;
    das waren noch Zeiten! those were the days;
    die Zeiten sind vorbei, wo … time was when …;
    die Zeit des Barock the baroque age ( oder era, period);
    die Zeit vor dem zweiten Weltkrieg the period before the Second World War (besonders US World War II);
    aller Zeiten the best player etc of all time;
    für alle Zeiten for ever, for good;
    ein Märchen aus alten Zeiten a tale from days of yore;
    in alten oder liter
    vor Zeiten in the olden days;
    andere Zeiten, andere Sitten sprichw times have changed; auf vergangenen Zeitraum bezogen: things were very different in those days;
    sie hat bessere Zeiten gesehen she’s seen better days;
    seine beste Zeit hinter sich haben have had one’s day;
    die gute alte Zeit the good old days;
    für kommende Zeiten ist gesorgt we’re well prepared for the future;
    schwere Zeiten hard times;
    für schlechte Zeiten sparen save for a rainy day;
    das war die schönste Zeit meines Lebens those were the best years of my life;
    vor undenklichen Zeiten an unimaginably long time ago, (a)eons ago;
    seit undenklichen Zeiten from ( oder since) time immemorial, ever since I can remember; weitS. for ages;
    die heutige Zeit this ( oder the present) day and age
    3. (Zeitpunkt) (point of) time; (Uhrzeit) time;
    welche Zeit haben wir? what’s the time?;
    feste Zeiten fixed times;
    Zeit und Ort festlegen fix a ( oder the) time and place;
    es ist (an der) Zeit it’s time;
    wird (höchste) Zeit, dass er nach Hause kommt it’s (high) time he came home;
    es ist nicht die Zeit zu (+inf) this is not the time to (+inf) ( oder to be +ger);
    außer der Zeit at an unusual time, outside the usual hours;
    seit der Zeit since then ( oder that time), ever since (then);
    auf die Zeit achten keep an eye on the time ( oder clock);
    ich habe mich in der Zeit geirrt I got the time wrong;
    jemanden nach der Zeit fragen ask sb for the time;
    morgen etc
    um diese Zeit this time tomorrow etc;
    von Zeit zu Zeit from time to time, now and then;
    vor der Zeit prematurely; sterben: auch before one’s time;
    zu bestimmten Zeiten at certain ( oder particular) times;
    zu jeder Zeit (at) any time;
    zur gleichen/rechten Zeit at the same/right time;
    alles zu seiner Zeit there’s a time for everything; beruhigend: one thing after another;
    wer nicht kommt zur rechten Zeit, muss nehmen oder
    essen, was übrig bleibt sprichw first come, first served;
    kommt Zeit, kommt Rat sprichw don’t worry, it’ll sort itself out
    4. SPORT time;
    die Zeit nehmen bei feststehender Spieldauer: be (the) timekeeper; bei Rennen: time sth;
    eine gute/schlechte Zeit fahren etc clock up a good/bad time;
    über die Zeit kommen Boxen: go the distance
    5. LING tense;
    zusammengesetzte Zeit compound tense;
    in welcher Zeit steht der Satz? what is the tense of that sentence?
    * * *
    die; Zeit, Zeiten
    1) o. Pl. time no art.

    mit der Zeit — with time; in time; (allmählich) gradually

    die Zeit arbeitet für/gegen jemanden — time is on somebody's side/is against somebody

    die Zeit drängt — time is pressing; there is [precious] little time

    sich (Dat.) die Zeit [mit etwas] vertreiben — pass the time [with/doing something]

    jemandem Zeit/drei Tage usw. Zeit lassen — give somebody time/three days etc.

    sich (Dat.) Zeit lassen — take one's time

    sich (Dat.) für jemanden/etwas Zeit nehmen — make time for somebody/something

    2) (Zeitpunkt) time

    seit der od. dieser Zeit — since that time

    vor der Zeit — prematurely; early

    zur Zeit — at the moment; at present

    3) (Zeitabschnitt, Lebensabschnitt) time; period; (Geschichtsabschnitt) age; period
    4) (Sport) time

    über die Zeit kommen (Boxen) go the distance

    5) (Sprachw.) tense
    * * *
    -en f.
    hours n.
    terms n.
    time n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Zeit

  • 93 πάρειμι

    A sum), inf. - εῖναι, [dialect] Ep. [ per.] 3pl.

    παρέᾱσι Il.5.192

    , Od.13.247 ; [dialect] Ion. subj.

    παρέω Hdt.4.98

    ; [dialect] Ep. inf.

    παρέμμεναι Od.4.640

    , part.

    παρεών Il.24.475

    : [dialect] Ep. [tense] impf.

    παρέην Od.3.267

    (tm.); [ per.] 2sg. παρῆας v.l. in Od.4.497 (Sch., Lex.Mess.) ; [ per.] 3pl.

    πάρεσαν Il. 11.75

    ; [dialect] Att. [tense] impf.

    παρῆ A.Ch. 523

    ; in later Greek

    παρήμην Luc.VH2.25

    : [dialect] Ep. [tense] fut.

    παρέσσομαι Od. 13.393

    :— to be by or present,

    ὑμεῖς θεαί ἐστε πάρεστέ τε ἴστε τε πάντα Il. 2.485

    , etc.: in tmesi,

    πὰρ δ' ἄρ' ἔην καὶ ἀοιδός Od. 3.267

    ; πάρα used for πάρεστι and πάρεισι, Il. 20.98, 23.479, etc.: freq. in part.,

    ποίπνυον παρεόντε 24.475

    ; σημάντορος οὐ π. 15.325, etc. ;

    ἀπεόντα νόῳ παρεόντα Parm. 2.1

    , cf. Heraclit. 34.
    2 to be by or near one, c. dat., Od.5.105;

    μήλοισι 4.640


    π. τινὶ παροινοῦντι Antipho 4.1.7


    π. παρά τινι S.Ph. 1056

    ; π. τινί to be his guest, Ar.Av. 131.
    4 to be present so as to help, stand by, τινι Il.18.472, Od.13.393, A.Pers. 235 ;

    πλησίον παρῆσθα κινδύνων ἐμοί E.Or. 1159

    , etc.; esp. of one accused,

    οἱ νῦν παρόντες αὐτῷ καὶ συνδικοῦντες D.34.12

    , cf. 24.159 : Medic., of nurses, assistants, etc., Hp.Aph.1.1, Herod. [voice] Med. ap. Orib. 10.37.11.
    5 παρεῖναι εἰς .. to have arrived at,

    ἐς κοῖτον Hdt.1.9


    ἐς τὸν Ἰσθμὸν π. τινί Id.8.60


    γ ; ἐς τὴν Λακεδαίμονα Th.6.88


    εἰς τὴν ἐξέτασιν X.An.7.1.11


    Ὀλυμπίαζε Th.3.8

    : c. acc. loci,

    πάρεισι.. Αἰτναῖον πάγον E. Cyc.95

    , cf. 106, Ba.5 ;

    π. τινὶ ἐπὶ δεῖπνον Hdt. 1.118

    , cf. Ar.Av. 131 ;

    π. ἐπὶ τὸ στράτευμα X.An.7.1.35

    ; π. πρὸς τὴν κρίσιν ib. 6.6.26 ;

    πρός τινα Id.Cyr.2.4.21

    ; also

    π. ἐνταυθοῖ Pl.Ap. 33d

    ; v. πάρειμι ([etym.] εἶμι) IV. 2.
    6 π. ἐκ .. to have come from..,

    ἐκ ταύτης [τῆς πόλιος] π. ἐς τὴν Ἀσίην Hdt.6.24


    τοὐκ θεοῦ παρόν S. OC 1540

    ; Φίλιππος ἐκ Θρᾴκης π. Aeschin.2.101;

    Θείβαθεν αὐληταὶ πάρα Ar.Ach. 862

    II of things, to be by, i.e. ready or at hand,

    τά τε δμώεσσι πάρεστι Od.14.80

    , etc.;

    πάρα ἔργα βόεσσιν Hes. Op. 454


    οὐ γάρ οἱ πάρα νῆες Od.4.559

    ; εἴ μοι δύναμίς γε παρείη if power were at my command, 2.62 ;

    ὅση δύναμίς γε πάρεστι 23.128


    ὅ τι πάρεστι Men. 62

    ; τὰ παρεόντα what is ready,

    χαριζομένη παρεόντων Od.1.140


    ἡ τοῦ πλέονος ἐπιθυμίη τὸ παρεὸν ἀπόλλυσι Democr.224

    , cf. 191; ἐκ τῶν παρεουσέων αὐγέων the best light available, Hp.Off.3;

    ἐκ τῶν παρεόντων τὸ εὔπορον εὑρίσκειν Id.Art.78

    ; εἰ τὰ δεσμὰ μὴ παρείη ibid.; of feelings, conditions, etc.,

    φόβος βαρβάροις παρῆν A.Pers. 391


    θαῦμα παρῆν S.Ant. 254


    ἐν τοῖς τότε παρεοῦσι.. κακοῖσι Hdt.8.20

    , cf. A.Pr.26;

    ὡς παρεσομένου σφι πολέμου Hdt.8.20

    : in Philos., of qualities or predicates, παρείη γ' ἂν αὐταῖς (sc. θριξίν)

    λευκότης Pl.Ly. 217d

    , cf. Plot. 5.6.4; of Time,

    ὁ παρὼν νῦν χρόνος S.El. 1293

    , cf. Aeschin.1.93, Arist.Po. 1457a18;

    ἡ νῦν π. ἡμέρα Pl.Lg. 683c

    ; ἡ ἱερὰ συμβουλὴ π. X.An.5.6.4; τὰ παρόντα ([dialect] Ion. παρεόντα) the present state of affairs, Hdt.1.113, etc.;

    τὰ π. πρήγματα Id.6.100

    ; opp. τὰ γεγονότα, τὰ μέλλοντα, Pl.Tht. 186b : sg., τὸ παρόν ([dialect] Ion. παρεόν) , πρὸς τὸ π. βουλεύειν, τὸ π. θεραπεύειν, Hdt.1.20, S.Ph. 149 (lyr.);

    πρὸς παρεόν Emp.106

    : Adverbial phrases, τὸ παρόν just now,

    τὸ π. εἴπομεν Pl.Lg. 693b


    τὰ παρόντα S.El. 215

    (lyr.): in Prose, ἐκ τῶν π. according to present circumstances, Th.5.40, etc.; ἐν τῷ π., opp. τὸ ἔπειτα, ib.63, etc.;

    ἐν τῷ νῦν π. καὶ ἐν τῷ ἔπειτα Pl.Phd. 67c

    ; ἐν τῷ τότε π. Th.1.95;

    πρὸς τὸ παρόν Isoc. 15.94

    ; ὡς πρὸς τὸ π. S.E.P.1.201;

    πρὸς τὸ π. αὐτίκα Th.3.40


    πρὸς τὴν π. ὄψιν Id.2.88

    ; ἐπὶ τοῦ π. for the present, IG9(2).517.6 (Epist. Philipp.), Epict.Ench. 2.2; ἐς and πρὸς τὰ π., Arr.An.1.13.5, 5.22.5.
    III impers., πάρεστί μοι it depends on me, is in my power to do, c. inf.,

    τοιαῦθ' ἑλέσθαι σοι πάρεστιν ἐξ ἐμοῦ A.Eu. 867

    , cf. S.Ph. 364, etc.: also [tense] impf.

    παρῆν Hdt.8.20

    , 9.70 : without dat.,

    παρῆν.. κλύειν A.Pers. 401


    πάρεστι χαίρειν Ar.Pl. 638


    ὁρᾶν πάρεστιν Democr.164

    , cf. And.2.2, etc.
    2 part. παρόν, [dialect] Ion. παρεόν, it being possible or easy, since it is allowed,

    παρεὸν αὐτῷ βασιλέα γενέσθαι Hdt. 1.129

    , cf. 6.72, S.Ph. 1098 (lyr.), Fr.564.3, Th.4.19.
    IV. part. masc. παρών is freq. in Trag., at the end of a verse, to give vividness, ἄνδρ' ἐνουθέτει παρών to his face, S.Aj. 1156; τοὺς θανόντας οὐκ ἐᾶς θάπτειν π. you come here and forbid.., ib. 1131, cf. 338, El. 300, Tr. 422; dub. in Com., Ar.Fr. 657.
    A ibo), inf. - ιέναι ([dialect] Dor. - ίμεν Berl.Sitzb.1927.170 ([place name] Cyrene)), used as [tense] fut. of παρέρχομαι, also in [tense] pres. sense, παρῄειν being used as [tense] impf. :—pass by, pass,

    παριών Od.4.527

    , 17.233;

    οἰκτίρας.. παρίτω IG12.976


    παρήϊε Hdt.4.79


    οἱ ἀεὶ παριόντες Pl.R. 616a

    , etc.; go alongside, Th.4.47 ; march along the coast, of an army, Id.8.16, 22,32, X.HG2.1.18 (cj.), 4.5.19.
    2 c.acc. loci, pass by, Hdt.7.109 ;

    τὸν χῶρον Id.1.167


    τὴν οἰκίαν And.1.146

    , Str. 14.5.14 ; π. παρὰ τοὺς πατέρας (prob. for παρῆσαν) Hdt.3.14 ; παρ' αὐτὴν τὴν Βαβυλῶνα π. X.Cyr.5.2.29.
    II pass by, overtake, surpass, ib.1.4.5.
    III pass on, esp. in the sense of entering,

    π. ἐς τὰ βασιλήϊα Hdt. 3.84

    , cf. 72,77, Pl.Phd. 59e; ἔσω π. E.Hel. 451 ;

    πάριτ' ἐς θυμέλας, ἐπὶ δ' ἀσφάκτοις μήλοισι δόμων μὴ πάριτ' ἐς μυχόν Id. Ion 228

    (anap.) ;

    βίᾳ εἰς οἰκίαν παριέναι X.Cyr.1.2.2

    2 in discourse, pass on from one part of a subject to another, ἐντεῦθεν ἐς .. Ar.Nu. 1075 ; ὃ παριὼν τῷ λόγῳ ἔτυχον εἰπών in passing, Pl.Lg. 776d.

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > πάρειμι

  • 94 καιρός

    καιρός, οῦ, ὁ (Hes.+; loanw. in rabb.)
    a point of time or period of time, time, period, freq. with implication of being esp. fit for someth. and without emphasis on precise chronology
    gener. (cp. Just., D. 32, 4 τὸν γὰρ καιρὸν [Da 7:26] ἑκατὸν ἔτη ἐξηγεῖσθε λέγεσθαι) κ. δεκτός a welcome time 2 Cor 6:2a (Is 49:8); cp. vs. 2b. καιροὶ χαλεποί difficult times 2 Ti 3:1. In ref. to times of crisis for the state λοιμικοῦ καιροῦ 1 Cl 55:1 (s. JFischer ad loc. note 322) καιροὶ καρποφόροι fruitful times or seasons (so Achmes 156, 15f: καρποφόρος is the καιρός in which the tree bears fruit, in contrast to late autumn, when there is no more) Ac 14:17 (OLagercrantz, ZNW 31, ’32, 86f proposes, on the basis of Mod. Gk., the mng., ‘weather’, but the pl. is against this mng.). καιροὶ ἐαρινοί 1 Cl 20:9.—ἔσται καιρὸς ὅτε there will come a time when 2 Ti 4:3; εἰς τίνα ἢ ποῖον κ. to what time or what sort of time (some, e.g. NRSV, interpret τίνα=the person, but cp. PTebt 25, 18 [117 B.C.] καὶ διὰ τίνος καὶ ἀπὸ ποίου ἐπιδείγματος; s. ποῖος 1aα, also ποτατός) 1 Pt 1:11. ἄχρι καιροῦ until (another) time, for a while Lk 4:13; Ac 13:11; ἐν καιρῷ ὀλίγῳ in a little time 1 Cl 23:4; ἐν παντὶ κ. at all times, always (Aristot. 117a, 35; Sir 26:4) Lk 21:36; Eph 6:18; Hm 5, 2, 3. κατὰ καιρόν from time to time, regularly (TestJob 36:4; Lucian, Hermot. 10; Plut., Mor. 984d) J 5:4 (s. 2 also); 1 Cl 24:2; GJs 3:3; πρὸς κ. for a limited time (perh. also for the present moment; cp. Strabo 6, 2, 3; Ps.-Plut., Fluv. 23; BGU 265, 20 [II A.D.]; 618, 19; 780, 14; Wsd 4:4; Philo, Post. Cai. 121; Jos., Bell. 6, 190; Tat. 13, 1) Lk 8:13; 1 Cor 7:5. πρὸς καιρὸν ὥρας (a combination of πρὸς κ. and πρὸς ὥραν [2 Cor 7:8; Gal 2:5; Phlm 15; J 5:35]) for a short time (cp. our ‘for a short space of time’) 1 Th 2:17.
    a moment or period as especially appropriate the right, proper, favorable time ἐν καιρῷ at the right time (X., An. 3, 1, 39; Diod S 36, 7, 2; Appian, Bell. Civ. 3, 8 §29; SIG 1268 [Praecepta Delphica II, 6; III B.C.]) Mt 24:45; Lk 12:42 (cp. on both Ps 103:27, w. v.l.). καιρῷ (Thu. 4, 59, 3 v.l.; Diog. L. 1, 41) Lk 20:10 (v.l. ἐν κ.). τῷ καιρῷ Mk 12:2. ὁ καιρὸς ὁ ἐμός, ὁ καιρὸς ὁ ὑμέτερος the proper time for me (you) J 7:6, 8 (Eunap., Vi. Iambl. p. 459 Didot: the worker of miracles acts ὅταν καιρὸς ᾖ). νῦν κ. ταῦτα ὑμᾶς μαθεῖν οὐκ ἔστιν now is not the time for you to learn this AcPl Ha 1, 26 (Just., D. 8, 1 ἃ νῦν κ. οὐκ ἔστι λέγειν al.).—καιρὸν λαβεῖν find a favorable time, seize the opportunity (Lysias, C. Agor. 6; Cleanthes [III B.C.]: Stoic. I no. 573; Diod S 2, 6, 5; EpArist 248; Jos., Bell. 1, 527, Ant. 4, 10; cp. PTebt 332, 9). καιρὸν μεταλαβεῖν (s. μεταλαμβάνω 2) Ac 24:25. λαβεῖν κ. εὔθετον find a convenient opportunity Pol 13:1. κ. ἔχειν have opportunity (Thu. 1, 42, 3; Pla., Ep. 7, 324b; Plut., Lucull. 501 [16, 4]; PFlor 259, 3; 1 Macc 15:34; Jos., Ant. 16, 73; 335; Ath., R. 23 p. 77, 6; Did., Gen. 112, 10) Gal 6:10; Hb 11:15; 2 Cl 16:1; ISm 9:1; IRo 2:1. ὀλίγον καιρὸν ἔχειν Rv 12:12. ἐξαγοράζεσθαι τὸν κ. make the most of the opportunity Col 4:5; Eph 5:16 (s. ἐξαγοράζω 2). On Ro 12:11 v.l. s. δουλεύω 2aβ and b. κατὰ κ. Ro 5:6 is more naturally construed with ἀπέθανεν than with ἀσεβῶν (cp. κατὰ καιρὸν θεριζόμενος reaped in its proper time Job 5:26).—The concept of the appropriate time oft. blends with that of
    a defined period for an event. definite, fixed time. Abs. καιροί festal seasons (Ex 23:14, 17; Lev 23:4.—So perh. also beside θυσίαι in the Ins de Sinuri ed. LRobert ’45 no. 42) Gal 4:10 (κ. w. ἡμέρα as Polyaenus 8, 23, 17). τὰς τῶν καιρῶν ἀλλαγὰς καταδιαιρεῖν … ἃ μὲν εἰς ἑορτάς, ἃς δὲ εἰς πένθη to set up periods of fasting and mourning in accord with changes in seasons Dg 4:5.—Not infreq. w. a gen., which indicates the reason why the time is set apart (Pla., Leg. 4, 709c χειμῶνος καιρός; Aesop, Fab. 258 P.=255 H-H./206 Ch. ἀπολογίας κ., also oft. LXX; Philo, Spec. Leg. 1, 191 κ. εὐφροσύνης; Jos., Ant. 18, 74; Tat. 36, 1 κατʼ ἐκεῖνον αὐτὸν … τὸν τοῦ πολέμου κ.; Hippol., Ref. 9, 30, 27 κ. τῆς παρουσίας; Did., Gen. 175, 2 κ. τοῦ ἐξελθεῖν εἰς τὴν γῆν) κ. θερισμοῦ time of harvest Mt 13:30 (JosAs 2:19). κ. τῶν καρπῶν time when the fruit is ripe 21:34; cp. vs. 41. κ. σύκων time when the figs are ripe Mk 11:13 (ParJer 5:31; cp. Horapollo 2, 92 ὁ κ. τῶν ἀμπέλων). κ. μετανοίας time for repentance 2 Cl 8:2. κ. πειρασμοῦ Lk 8:13b. ὁ κ. τῆς ἀναλύσεως the time of death 2 Ti 4:6. κ. ἐπισκοπῆς σου Lk 19:44. κ. διορθώσεως Hb 9:10. κ. ἡλικίας 11:11. κ. τῆς ἡγεμονίας Ποντίου Πιλάτου the time of the procuratorship of P. P. IMg 11. κατὰ τὸν καιρὸν τοῦ μαρτυρίου at the time of martyrdom EpilMosq 2 (cp. Mel., HE 4, 26, 3 ᾧ Σάγαρις καιρῷ ἐμαρτύρησεν). ἐν τῷ ἑαυτοῦ καιρῷ (Num 9:7) 2 Th 2:6. ὁ κ. αὐτῶν the time set for the fulfillment of Gabriel’s words Lk 1:20; cp. Dg 11:5 (s. διαγγέλλω 2). ὁ κ. μου my time=the time of my death Mt 26:18. κ. τοῦ ἰαθῆναι time to be healed 2 Cl 9:7. κ. τοῦ ἄρξασθαι τὸ κρίμα 1 Pt 4:17; cp. the extraordinary ἦλθεν ὁ κ. τῶν νεκρῶν κριθῆναι καὶ δοῦναι = ἵνα κριθῶσιν οἱ νεκροὶ καὶ δῷς Rv 11:18.—Pl. (Num 9:3 κατὰ καιρούς; Tob 14:4 S πάντα συμβήσεται τοῖς καιροῖς αὐτῶν; Heraclit. Sto. 11 p. 18, 18=the periods of time between; Maximus Tyr. 1, 2f πολλοὶ κ.; TestNapht 7:1 δεῖ ταῦτα πληρωθῆναι κατὰ τοὺς καιροὺς αὐτῶν; Ar. 4, 2 κατὰ καιρούς) καιροὶ ἐθνῶν times of the Gentiles (in which they may inflict harm on God’s people or themselves be converted) Lk 21:24.—κατὰ καιρόν at the appropriate time (Arrian, Anab. 4, 5, 1; PSI 433, 4 [261 B.C.]; Just., A I, 19, 4; Mel., HE 4, 26, 3) J 5:4; 1 Cl 56:15 (Job 5:26). Also ἐν καιρῷ (Himerius, Or 13 [Ecl. 14], 3): ἐν καιρῷ αὐτοῦ B 11:6, 8 (Ps 1:3). καιρῷ ἰδίῳ in due time Gal 6:9. Pl. καιροῖς ἰδίοις at the right time 1 Ti 2:6; 6:15; Tit 1:3; cp. 1 Cl 20:4 (Just., D. 131, 4 πρὸ τῶν ἰδίων κ.).—κατὰ τὸν ἴδιον καιρόν vs. 10.—πεπλήρωται ὁ κ. the time (determined by God) is fulfilled Mk 1:15. Pl. (cp. Ps 103:19) ὁρίσας προστεταγμένους καιρούς he (God) has determined allotted times (MDibelius, SBHeidAk ’38/39, 2. Abh. p. 6f, ‘seasons’; cp. 1QM 10, 12–15; FMussner, Einige Parallelen [Qumran and Areopagus speech], BZ 1, ’57, 125–30) Ac 17:26; cp. κατὰ καιροὺς τεταγμένους 1 Cl 40:1; ὡρισμένοις καιροῖς καὶ ὥραις vs. 2; τοῖς προστεταγμένοις κ. vs. 4.
    a period characterized by some aspect of special crisis, time
    gener.: the present (time) Ro 13:11; 12:11 v.l. ὁ καιρός (i.e. the crisis involving Christians) ἀπαιτεῖ σε the times call upon you IPol 2:3 (Diod S 17, 27, 2 ὑπὸ τῶν καιρῶν προεκλήθησαν=they were called out by the [critical circumstances of the] times). Also ὁ νῦν κ. (PSI 402, 7 [III B.C.] ἐν τῷ νῦν καιρῷ) Ro 3:26; 8:18; 11:5; 2 Cor 8:14; B 4:1. κ. ὁ νῦν τῆς ἀνομίας the present godless time 18:2 (s. also b below). ὁ κ. ὁ ἐνεστηκώς (Polyb. 1, 60, 9; Jos., Ant. 16, 162) Hb 9:9; ἐν ἐκείνῳ τῷ κ. at that time, then (Gen 21:22; Is 38:1; τῷ κ. ἐκείνῳ TestSol D 8, 2) Mt 11:25; 12:1; 14:1; cp. Eph 2:12. Also κατʼ ἐκεῖνον τὸν κ. (Jos., Ant. 1, 171, Vi. 49; GJs 10:2.—Diod S 2, 27, 1 and Vi. Aesopi G 81 P. κατʼ ἐκείνους τοὺς καιρούς=at that time. Cp. κατʼ ἐκεῖνο καιροῦ Hippol., Ref. 9, 12, 10.) Ac 12:1; 19:23. ἔτι κατὰ καιρὸν ὑπὲρ ἀσεβῶν for those who at that time were still godless Ro 5:6, though κατὰ κ. here prob.=at the right time, as in mng. 1b above (s. B-D-F §255, 3). τῷ τότε τῆς ἀδικίας καιρῷ … τὸν νῦν τῆς δικαιοσύνης Dg 9:1; cp. 9:2. Of the future κατὰ τ. καιρὸν τοῦτον at this time Ro 9:9 (Gen 18:10, 14). Cp. EpilMosq 2 in 2 above. ἐν αὐτῷ τῷ κ. just at that time (2 Esdr 5:3) Lk 13:1. W. attraction of the relative ἐν ᾧ κ. at that time, then Ac 7:20. κατὰ τὸν καιρὸν ὸ̔ν καὶ πέρυσι at the same time as in the year preceding Hv 2, 1, 1.
    One of the chief terms relating to the endtime: ὁ καιρός the time of crisis, the last times (FBusch, Z. Verständnis d. synopt. Eschatol. Mk 13 neu untersucht ’38; GDelling, D. Zeitverständn. des NTs ’40; WMichaelis, D. Herr verzieht nicht d. Verheissung ’42; WKümmel, Verheissung. u. Erfüllung ’45,3 ’56; OCullmann, Christus u. d. Zeit ’46 [tr. FFilson, Christ and Time ’50, 39–45; 79; 121]) ὁ κ. ἤγγικεν Lk 21:8. ὁ κ. ἐγγύς Rv 1:3; 22:10. οὐκ οἴδατε πότε ὁ καιρός ἐστιν Mk 13:33. Cp. Ro 13:11 (s. 3a above) if it is to be interpreted as eschatological (cp. Plut., Mor. 549f). πρὸ καιροῦ before the endtime and the judgment Mt 8:29; 1 Cor 4:5. ἐν καιρῷ 1 Pt 5:6. Also ἐν καιρῷ ἐσχάτῳ 1:5; D 16:2. Pl. πλήρωμα τῶν καιρῶν Eph 1:10. ἐπηρώτων … περὶ τῶν καιρῶν, εἰ ἤδη συντέλειά ἐστιν Hv 3, 8, 9. τὰ σημεῖα τ. καιρῶν the signs of the (Messianic) times Mt 16:3. τοὺς καιροὺς καταμάνθανε learn to understand the times IPol 3:2 (s. WBauer, Hdb. Suppl. vol. ad loc.) The Messianic times described as καιροὶ ἀναψύξεως Ac 3:20.—ἔσχατοι καιροί (or ὕστεροι καιροί 1 Ti 4:1) come before the ἔσχατος κ. IEph 11:1 (cp. ἐπʼ ἐσχάτων κ. AcPl Ha 8, 26 [restoration is certain=Ox 1601, 40/BMM recto 34]); χρόνοι ἢ καιροί times and seasons (cp. Iren. 1, 17, 2 [Harv. I 168, 9] and καιρῶν κατὰ χρόνους ἀλλαγή Theoph. Ant. 1, 6 [p. 70, 1]; Artem. 4, 2 p. 203, 25f the χρόνος is divided into καιροὶ καὶ ὧραι), which must be completed before the final consummation Ac 1:7 (Straton of Lamps. in FWehrli, Die Schule des Aristoteles, V Fgm. 10, 32f κατὰ τοὺς καιροὺς καὶ τοὺς χρόνους; quoted in JBarr, Biblical Words for Time, ’62, 33; see also Diog. L. 5, 64); cp. 1 Th 5:1. συντέμνειν τοὺς καιρούς shorten the (last) times B 4:3. Sim. in sg. ὁ καιρὸς συνεσταλμένος ἐστίν 1 Cor 7:29.—The expr. καιρὸν καὶ καιροὺς κ. ἥμισυ καιροῦ also belongs to the eschatol. vocab.; it means the apocalyptic time of 1 + 2 + ½ = 3½ years, during which acc. to Da 12:7 (cp. 7:25) a tyrranical enemy of God and God’s people is to reign on earth Rv 12:14 (in imagery of a serpentine monster, δράκων)—ὁ κ. οὗτος the present age (cp. αἰών 2a) Mk 10:30; Lk 12:56; 18:30. Also ὁ νῦν κ. B 4:1. As ruled by the devil: ὁ ἄνομος κ. 4:9. καταργεῖν τὸν κ. τοῦ ἀνόμου destroy the age of the lawless one 15:5. The soul seeks και[ρο]ῦ χρόνου αἰ̣ῶ̣νος ἀνάπαυσιν ἐ̣[ν] σιγῇ peace in silence, at the time of the aeon crisis GMary 463, 1.—On Dg 12:9 s. the editions of vGebh.-Harnack and Bihlmeyer.—JMánek, NTS 6, ’59, 45–51; JBarr, Biblical Words for Time, ’62.—B. 954. Schmidt, Syn. II 54–72. DELG. M-M. EDNT. TW. Sv.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > καιρός

  • 95 ἐνίστημι

    ἐνίστημι 2 aor. ἐνέστην, ptc. ἐνστάς; pf. ἐνέστηκα, ptc. ἐνεστηκώς and ἐνεστώς; mid. fut. ἐνστήσομαι (Eur., Hdt.+; also Just., D. 142, 2 ‘begin, enter upon’; pf. ptc.: Tat. 26, 1; Ath. 27, 2). In our lit. only intr. and esp. in ref. to circumstances prevailing or impending, with contextual stress on the temporal feature of someth. taking place in a sequence.
    to take place as an event, be here, be at hand, arrive, come. 2 Ti 3:1; in past tenses be present, have come ἐνέστηκεν ἡ ἡμέρα τοῦ κυρίου the day of the Lord has come 2 Th 2:2 (cp. Phlegon: 257 Fgm. 36, 6 Jac, ἐνστάσης τῆς ἡμέρας τοῦ γάμου=when the wedding day came; PGM 13, 364 ὅταν ἐνστῇ ἡ ἡμέρα; Jos., Ant. 12, 175 ἐνστάσης τῆς ἡμέρας=when the day came; s. Goodsp., Probs. 179f; but BWarfield, Exp. 3d ser., 4, 1886, 37 and AOepke, TW II, 540 favor mng. 2).
    to be present as condition or thing at the time of speaking, be now, happen now ὁ καιρὸς ὁ ἐνεστηκώς (Polyb. 1, 60, 9; 21, 3, 3; Jos., Ant. 16, 162; pap) the present time Hb 9:9; cp. 1 Cl 55:1. ὁ αἰὼν ὁ ἐνεστώς the present age Gal 1:4. ἡ ἐνεστῶσα ἀνάγκη the present or current distress 1 Cor 7:26 (so REB; NRSV mg.; for a difft. view s. 3 below). ἐνεστώς fairly oft. in contrast to μέλλων (Sext. Emp., Adv. Math. 2, 193; Philo, Plant. 114; Tat. 26, 1; Ath. 27, 2) ἡ ἐ. χάρις IEph 11:1. ἐνεστῶτα, μέλλοντα Ro 8:38; 1 Cor 3:22; B 1:7; 4:1; 5:3; 17:2.—EBurton, Gal. ICC, 432f.
    to be about to occur, w. connotation of threatening, be imminent, be impending (Hdt.; Polyb. 3, 97, 1 ‘press hard’; PGM 13, 1049; LXX; Jos., Ant. 4, 209) ἡ ἐ. ἀνάγκη the impending distress 1 Cor 7:26 (‘impending crisis’ NRSV); B 17:2 (but for both of these s. 2; for 2 Ti 3:1 s. 1).—DELG s.v. ἵστημι. M-M. TW.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > ἐνίστημι

  • 96 νῦν

    νῦν (for [full] νυν, [full] νυ, v. infr. II), Adv.
    A now, both of the present moment, and of the present time generally, οἳ ν. βροτοί εἰσιν mortals of our day, Il.1.272 ; so in [dialect] Ion. and [dialect] Att., οἱ ν. [ἄνθρωποι] men of the present day, Hdt.1.68 ;

    οἵ γε ν. Pi.O.1.105

    , B.5.4, cf. Arist.Metaph. 1069a26 ; ὁ ν. τρόπος, τὸ ν. βαρβαρικόν, Th.1.6 ; Βοιωτοὶ οἱ ν. ib.12 ;

    ὁ ν. παρὼν χρόνος S.Tr. 174

    , al., Pl.Prm. 141e ;

    ἡμέρα ἡ ν. S.OT 351


    νὺξ ἡ ν. Id.Ant.16


    ἡ ν. ὁδός Id.El. 1295


    τὸ ν.

    the present,

    Arist.Ph. 218a6

    , al. ;

    ἀπὸ τοῦ ν. Pl.Prm. 152c

    , LXXGe.46.30, etc. ;

    ἀπὸ ν. AP5.40

    (Rufin.) ;

    ἕως τοῦ ν. LXXGe.46.34

    ; μέχρι ν. (v.l. μ. τοῦ ν.) D.S.17.110 ; τὰ ν. simply, = ν., Hdt.7.104, E.Heracl. 641, etc. ;

    τό περ ν. Pi. N.7.101


    τὰ δὲ ν. S.OC 133

    (lyr.) ;

    τὸ ν. εἶναι Pl.R. 506e

    , X.Cyr.5.3.42, Arist.Ath.31.2 ;

    τὸ ν. ἔχον Act.Ap.24.25

    2 of the immediate past, just now, but now,

    ν. Μενέλαος ἐνίκησεν Il.3.439

    , cf. 13.772, Od. 1.43, S.OC84, X.Cyr.4.5.48 ;

    ν. γοῦν ἐπεχείρησας Pl.R. 341c


    ἡλίκα ν. ἐτραγῴδει D.18.13

    3 of the future, presently,

    ν. αὖτ' ἐγχείῃ πειρήσομαι Il.5.279

    , cf. 20.307, Od.1.200 ;

    ν. φεύξομαι, τόθ' ἁγνὸς ὤν E.El. 975

    ; cf. νῦν δή, νυνί.
    4 sts. opp. to what might have been under other circumstances, as it is (or was), as the case stands (or stood), as a matter offact,

    ν. δ' ὁ μὲν ὣς ἀπόλωλε Od.1.166


    εἰ μὲν ὑπώπτευον, οὐκ ἂν.. ἐποιούμην· ν. δὲ κτλ. Th.4.126

    , cf. 1.122, 3.113, Pl. Cra. 384b, D.18.195, etc. ; καὶ ν. even so, X.An.7.4.24,7.7.17.
    5 coupled with other Particles,

    τὰ ν. γε S.Ph. 245

    , etc. ;

    ν. γε μάν Pi. P.1.50

    ; ν. δή, v. h. v. : with other expressions of Time, ν... σήμερον, ν. ἡμέρη ἥδε, Il.7.29, 13.828 ;

    ν. ἤδη


    S.Ant. 801

    (anap.), etc. ;

    ν... ἄρτι

    but now,

    Pl.Cra. 396c

    II enclit. (but see below) νυν, νυ. [νυ only [dialect] Ep., [dialect] Boeot., and Cypr. (also Arc. in ὅνυ, q. v.) ; νῠν twice in Hom., Il.10.105, 23.485 : ῡ?νῦνX in Trag. ([pron. full] A.Th. 242, 246, S.Ant. 705, E.Or. 1678, etc. ; [pron. full] S.Tr.92, E.Andr.91, etc.), [pron. full] in Com. (Ar.V. 1381, Pl. 975, al.), exc. Cratin.144, Ar.Th. 105 (lyr., citing Agatho), and perh. Nu.141 ; both quantities in τοίνυν, q.v.]
    1 rarely of Time, now, perh. so used in Il.10.105, cf. Parm.19.1, Pi. P.11.44, al., Epich.170.6.
    2 in [dialect] Ep. mostly as a particle of emphasis,

    ἧκε δ' ἐπ' Ἀργείοισι κακὸν βέλος· οἱ δέ νυ λαοὶ θνῇσκον Il.1.382

    , etc.: freq. coupled with other Particles or Conjs.,

    ἦ ῥά ν. 4.93


    καί νύ κεν 3.373

    ; οὔ ν., μή νύ τοι, 10.165, 1.28 ; ἐπεί νύ τοι ib. 416 ;

    ὥς νύ περ 2.258

    3 in commands or entreaties,

    μή ν. μοι νεμεσήσετ' 15.115

    : freq. with other Advbs., δεῦρό ν. come now ! 23.485 ;

    ἐνταῦθά ν. ὕβριζε A.Pr.82

    , cf. Ar.Th. 1001, V. 149, Pl. 724 ;

    εἶά ν. Id. Pax 467

    , V. 430, Pl. 316 : freq. with imper., φέρε ν. ib. 789 ;

    ἄγε ν. Id. Pax 1056

    , V. 381 ;

    σπεῦδέ ν. Id.Pl. 414


    σίγαν. S.Aj.87

    , Cratin.l.c. ;

    περίδου ν. Ar.Nu. 644

    , cf. X.Cyr.5.3.21, etc. ;

    ὕφαινέ ν. B.18.8

    ; so in [dialect] Boeot.,

    ν. ἔνθω IG7.3172.88

    (Orchom.) ; also in Cypr. with opt. in commands, δυϝάνοι ν., δώκοι ν., Inscr.Cypr.135.6,16 H. ([place name] Idalion).
    4 in questions, τίς ν. ; τί ν. ; who, what, why now? Il.5.373, 1.414,4.31 ; ἦ νυ.. ; Od.6.125. [In signf. I always perispom. In signf. II perispom. exc. when short, Hdn.Gr.2.39, al. ; enclit. when short, sts. in codd., as Il.23.485 (Pap. in AJP21.304, etc. ; oxyt. when = δή, Tyrannioap.Hdn.Gr.2.27 ; καθ' ὁμαλισμόν or κατ' ἔγκλισιν when=δή, Sch.Ar.Pl. 414, Sch.A.R.1.664). In codd. usu. perispom. in both senses, A.Pr.82, Th. 242, 246, S.Ant. 705,El. 324, Ar.Pl. 414, V. 758, 922, etc. ; even νῠν is written νῦν in codd. vett. Pi. passim, also in S.Aj.87, Tr.92, etc. ; hence νυν may freq. be restored where the sense requires it. The accent of τοίνῡ?νῦνXν perh. shows that both νῠν and νῡν could be enclitic.—Position: in signf. I νῦν can occupy any position ; in signf. II it prefers (like other enclitics, but also like ἄν, δέ, γάρ, etc.) the second place in the sentence, e.g.

    πρός νύν σε πατρός S.Ph. 468

    , cf. OC 1333 ;

    ἀπό νύν με λείπετ' ἤδη Id.Ph. 1177

    (lyr.) ;

    μετά νυν δός E.Supp.56

    (lyr.) ; νυ (always enclitic) precedes other enclitics and allows only δέ to precede.] (Cf. Skt. nú, n[umacracute], nūnám, OE. 'now', etc.)

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > νῦν

  • 97 ἐνίστημι

    ἐνίστημι, causal in [tense] pres., [tense] fut.and [tense] aor. 1 [voice] Act., and [tense] aor. 1 [voice] Med.:—
    2 in Law, institute an heir,

    ἐ. κληρονόμους τοὺς υἱούς PMasp.151.75

    (vi A. D.).
    B [voice] Pass., with [tense] aor. 2, [tense] pf., and [tense] plpf. [voice] Act.:—to be set in, stand in,

    λὁχοις E.Supp. 896


    ἐν τῷ νηῷ Hdt.2.91

    : abs.,

    πύλαι ἐνεστᾶσι ἑκατόν Id.1.179

    , cf. Pl.Ti. 50d, etc.
    II to be appointed,

    σοῦ ἐνεστεῶτος βασιλέος Hdt.1.120

    , cf. 6.59;

    ἐς ἀρχήν Id.3.68


    ἐς τυραννίδας Id.2.147

    III to be upon, threaten, c. dat. pers.,

    τοιούτων τοῖσι Σπαρτιήτῃσι ἐνεστεώτων πρηγμάτων Id.1.83


    τὸν πόλεμον τὸν ἐνστάντα σοὶ καὶ τῇ πόλει Isoc.5.2

    ; in war, press hard,

    τινί Plb.3.97.1

    : abs., begin, [

    τοῦ θέρους] ἐνισταμένου Thphr.HP9.8.2


    ἐνισταμένου τοῦ ἐνιαυτοῦ LXX 3 Ki.12.24

    ; to be at hand, arise,

    ὁ τότ' ἐνστὰς πόλεμος D.18.89

    , cf. 139, Plb.1.71.4;

    τοῦ πολέμου πρὸς Φίλιππον ὑμῖν ἐνεστηκότος Aeschin.2.58

    : esp. in [tense] pf. part., pending, present,

    μιᾶς ἐνεστώσης δίκης Ar.Nu. 779

    , cf. Is.11.45, D.33.14;

    ὁ νῦν ἐνεστηκὼς ἀγών Lycurg.7

    ; so

    οὐδενὸς ἡμῖν ἐνεστῶτος πρὸς αὐτούς PStrassb.91.21

    (i B.C.); of Time, instant, present, τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος μηνός Philipp. ap. D.18.157; ἡ ἐνεστῶσα κακία, ἀνάγκη, PPetr.2p.60, 1 Ep.Cor.7.26;

    κατὰ τὸν ἐ. καιρόν Arist.Rh. 1366b23


    ἀγαθὸν ἐνεστὼς ἢ μέλλον Stoic.3.94

    ; cf.

    ἐνεστάναι τὸν πάντα χρόνον ὡς τὸν ἐνιαυτὸν ἐνεστηκέναι λέγομεν Apollod.Stoic.3.260

    2 esp. Gramm., ὁ ἐνεστὼς (sc. χρόνος ) the present tense, Stoic.2.48, D.T.638.22, A.D.Pron.58.7, al.; also

    ἐνεστῶσα συντέλεια

    the state of completion expressed by the perfect tense,


    : also in [tense] aor., τοῦ ποτὲ ἐνστάντος when the moment has arrived, Plot.4.3.13; τὰ ἐνεστηκότα πράγματα present circumstances, X.HG2.1.6; so

    τὰ ἐνεστῶτα Plb.2.26.3

    IV stand in the way, resist, block,

    τοῖς ποιουμένοις Th.8.69


    τῇ φυγῇ Plu.Luc.13


    τῇ αὐξήσει Id.Rom.25


    πρὸς πᾶσάν τινι πολιτείαν Id.Arist.3

    , cf.Marc.22: abs., stand in the way, Th.3.23; in argument,

    ἐνέστηκεν ὃ νυνδὴ Κέβης ἔλεγε Pl.Phd. 77b

    ; ὁ ἐνεστηκώς the opponent in a lawsuit, SIG45.28 (Halic., v B.C.).
    2 in Logic, object,

    τῷ καθόλου Arist.Top. 157b3


    πρὸς τὸν ἔξω λόγον Id.APo. 76b26

    : abs., Id.Rh. 1402b24,al.;

    ἐ. ὅτι.. Id.APr. 69b6


    ὡς.. Id.EN 1172b35

    , A.D. Synt.176.23.
    3 of the Roman tribunes, exercise the right of intercessio, veto, Plb.6.16.4, Plu.TG10,al.
    V of fluids, congeal, freeze,

    ὕδωρ ἐνεστηκός Thphr.CP5.13.1

    ; become impacted in, ἐνιστάμενον ἐπὶ τὰ τοῦ στομάχου στενά (sc. γάλα) Dsc.Alex.26.

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > ἐνίστημι

  • 98 under

    1. preposition
    1) (in or to a position lower than, or covered by: Your pencil is under the chair; Strange plants grow under the sea.) debajo, bajo
    2) (less than, or lower in rank than: Children under five should not cross the street alone; You can do the job in under an hour.) menor de, (de) menos de
    3) (subject to the authority of: As a foreman, he has about fifty workers under him.) a las órdenes (de)
    4) (used to express various states: The fort was under attack; The business improved under the new management; The matter is under consideration/discussion.) bajo

    2. adverb
    (in or to a lower position, rank etc: The swimmer surfaced and went under again; children aged seven and under.) abajo; por debajo
    under1 adv menos
    under2 prep
    1. bajo / debajo de
    2. menos de
    you can get one for under £5 se pueden conseguir por menos de cinco libras
    3. menor de
    4. bajo
    1 (below) bajo, debajo de
    2 (less than) menos de
    3 (controlled, affected, influenced by) bajo
    4 (suffering, subject to) bajo
    he's under arrest está detenido, está bajo arresto
    5 (according to) conforme a, según
    6 (known by) con, bajo
    1 (below) debajo
    2 (less) menos
    we have a wide range of watches for £30 or under tenemos una amplia gama de relojes por treinta libras o menos
    to be under age ser menor de edad
    to be under cover (protected) estar a cubierto 2 (in hiding) estar en la clandestinidad
    to be under lock and key estar bajo llave
    to be under repair estar en reparación, estar reparándose
    to be under the doctor estar en manos del médico
    to be under the impression that... tener la impresión de que...
    to go under estrellarse, irse a pique
    under the circumstances... dadas la circunstancias...
    under ['ʌndər] adv
    1) less: menos
    $10 or under: $10 o menos
    2) underwater: debajo del agua
    3) : bajo los efectos de la anestesia
    under adj
    1) lower: (más) bajo, inferior
    2) subordinate: inferior
    3) : insuficiente
    an under dose of medicine: una dosis insuficiente de medicina
    under prep
    1) below, beneath: debajo de, abajo de
    under the table: abajo de la mesa
    we walked under the arch: pasamos por debajo del arco
    under the sun: bajo el sol
    2) : menos de
    in under 20 minutes: en menos de 20 minutos
    under the command of: bajo las órdenes de
    4) subject to: bajo
    under suspicion: bajo sospecha
    under the circumstances: dadas las circunstancias
    5) according to: según, de acuerdo con, conforme a
    under the present laws: según las leyes actuales
    bajero, -a adj.
    inferior adj.
    interior adj.
    abajo adv.
    bajo adv.
    debajo adv.
    debajo de adv.
    más abajo adv.
    bajo prep.
    debajo de prep.
    inferior a prep.

    I 'ʌndər, 'ʌndə(r)
    1) ( beneath) debajo de, abajo de (AmL)
    2) ( less than) menos de
    3) \<\<name/heading\>\> bajo

    look under `textiles' — mira en or bajo `textiles'

    a) \<\<government/authority\>\> bajo

    to be under discussion — estarse* discutiendo

    he was under the impression that... — tenía la impresión de que...

    5) ( according to) según


    she's still under — todavía está bajo los efectos de la anestesia; see also keep, knuckle, put under

    2) ( less) menos

    it will cost $10 or under — costará 10 dólares como mucho

    1. ADV
    1) (=beneath) (position) debajo; (direction) abajo

    he stayed under for three minutes(=underwater) estuvo sumergido durante tres minutos

    2) * (=under anaesthetic)
    3) (=less) menos

    children of 15 and underniños mpl de 15 años y menores

    2. PREP
    1) (=beneath) debajo de

    what's under there? — ¿qué hay ahí debajo?

    2) (=less than) menos de

    it sells at under £20 — se vende a menos de 20 libras

    3) (=subject to) bajo

    under this government/the Romans — bajo este gobierno/los romanos

    under Ferdinand VII — bajo Fernando VII, durante el reinado de Fernando VII

    to study under sb — estudiar con algn, tener a algn por profesor

    under the command of — bajo el mando de

    under construction — bajo construcción, en obras

    under lock and keybajo llave

    under oathbajo juramento

    under pain/the pretext of — so pena/pretexto de

    under full sail — a todo trapo, a vela llena

    you'll find him under "plumbers" in the phone book — lo encontrarás en la sección de "fontaneros" en el listín

    5) (=according to, by) de acuerdo con, según
    6) (Agr)
    * * *

    I ['ʌndər, 'ʌndə(r)]
    1) ( beneath) debajo de, abajo de (AmL)
    2) ( less than) menos de
    3) \<\<name/heading\>\> bajo

    look under `textiles' — mira en or bajo `textiles'

    a) \<\<government/authority\>\> bajo

    to be under discussion — estarse* discutiendo

    he was under the impression that... — tenía la impresión de que...

    5) ( according to) según


    she's still under — todavía está bajo los efectos de la anestesia; see also keep, knuckle, put under

    2) ( less) menos

    it will cost $10 or under — costará 10 dólares como mucho

    English-spanish dictionary > under

  • 99 zeit

    Präp. (+ Gen): zeit seines etc. Lebens gesamt: his etc. whole life long; (von da an) for the rest of his etc. life; zeitlebens
    * * *
    die Zeit
    (Ablauf) time;
    (Grammatik) tense;
    (Uhrzeit) hour; time;
    (Zeitalter) age; era
    * * *
    f -, -en
    1) time; (= Epoche) age

    die gute alte Zéít — the good old days

    es erinnerte ihn an alte Zéíten — it reminded him of the old days

    das waren noch Zéíten! — those were the days

    die Zéíten sind schlecht — times are bad

    die Zéíten haben sich geändert — times have changed

    die Zéít Goethes — the age of Goethe

    die damalige Zéít machte die Einführung neuer Methoden erforderlich — the situation at the time required the introduction of new methods

    wenn Zéít und Umstände es erfordern — if circumstances demand it, if the situation requires it

    die jetzigen Zéíten erfordern,... — the present situation requires...

    für alle Zéíten — for ever, for all time (liter)

    etw für alle Zéíten entscheiden — to decide sth once and for all

    in seiner/ihrer besten Zéít — at his/her peak

    mit der Zéít gehen — to move with the times

    vor der Zéít alt werden — to get old before one's time

    Zéít — before sb's time

    die Zéít ist knapp bemessen — time is short

    die Zéít verging wie im Flug — time flew by

    die Zéít wurde mir lang — time hung heavy on my hands

    eine lange Zéít her sein or zurückliegen, dass... — to be a long time (ago or back) since...

    eine Stunde Zéít haben — to have an hour (to spare)

    Fräulein Glück, haben Sie vielleicht einen Augenblick Zéít? — Miss Glück, do you have a moment?

    für jdn/etw Zéít nehmen — to devote time to sb/sth

    sich Zéít füreinander nehmen — to make time for one another

    dafür muss ich mir mehr Zéít nehmen — I need more time for that

    die Zéít nehmen, etw zu tun — to take the time to do sth

    du hast dir aber reichlich Zéít gelassen — you certainly took your time

    hier bin ich die längste Zéít gewesen — it's about time or it's high time I was going

    keine Zéít verlieren — to lose no time

    damit hat es noch Zéít — there's no rush or hurry, there's plenty of time

    das hat Zéít bis morgen — that can wait until tomorrow

    lass dir Zéít — take your time

    ... aller Zéíten —... of all time,... ever

    auf bestimmte Zéít — for a certain length of time

    auf unbestimmte Zéít — for an indefinite period

    in letzter Zéít — recently

    die ganze Zéít über — the whole time

    eine Zéít lang — a while, a time

    wir sind eine Zéít lang dortgeblieben — we stayed there (for) a while or for a time

    eine Zéít lang ist das ganz schön — for a while or time it's quite nice

    mit der Zéít — gradually, in time

    nach Zéít bezahlt werden — to be paid by the hour

    die Zéít heilt alle Wunden (Prov)time is a great healer (prov)

    auf Zéít spielen (Sport, fig)to play for time

    es wird langsam Zéít, dass... — it's about time that...

    für dich wird es langsam Zéít, dass... — it's about time that you...

    seine Zéít ist gekommen — his time has come

    hast du (die) genaue Zéít? — do you have the exact time?

    in der Zéít von 10 bis 12 — between 10 and 12 (o'clock)

    es ist an der Zéít, dass... — it is about time or it's high time (that)...

    Vertrag auf Zéít — fixed-term contract

    Beamter auf Zéít — ≈ nonpermanent civil servant

    Soldat auf Zéít — soldier serving for a set time

    seit dieser Zéít — since then

    zur Zéít or zu Zéíten Königin Viktorias — in Queen Victoria's time

    zu der Zéít, als... — (at the time) when...

    alles zu seiner Zéít (prov)all in good time

    von Zéít zu Zéít — from time to time

    2) (LING) tense

    in welcher Zéít steht das Verb? — what tense is the verb in?

    * * *
    1) (a period of time during which something lasts: a spell of bad health.) spell
    2) (the hour of the day: What time is it?; Can your child tell the time yet?) time
    3) (the passage of days, years, events etc: time and space; Time will tell.) time
    4) (the quantity of minutes, hours, days etc, eg spent in, or available for, a particular activity etc: This won't take much time to do; I enjoyed the time I spent in Paris; At the end of the exam, the supervisor called `Your time is up!') time
    * * *
    <-, -en>
    1. (Ablauf) time
    wie doch die \Zeit vergeht! how time flies!
    die \Zeit stand still time stood still
    im Lauf der [o mit der] \Zeit in time, gradually
    mit der \Zeit erholte er sich von seiner Krankheit as time passed, he recovered from his illness
    mit der \Zeit wird sie darüber hinwegkommen she'll get over it in time
    2. (Zeitraum) [period of] time
    eine \Zeit lang for a while [or a time]
    die \Zeit ist knapp time is short
    es ist erst kurze \Zeit her, dass... it's only a short time ago since...
    Beamter auf \Zeit non-permanent civil servant
    Vertrag auf \Zeit fixed-term contract
    jdn auf \Zeit beschäftigen [o einstellen] to employ sb on a temporary basis
    auf \Zeit kaufen BÖRSE to buy forward
    etw auf \Zeit mieten to rent sth temporarily
    auf bestimmte \Zeit for a certain length of time
    auf unabsehbare \Zeit for an unforeseeable period, unforeseeably
    auf unbestimmte \Zeit for an indefinite period, indefinitely
    eine ganze/einige/längere \Zeit dauern to take quite some/some/a long time
    die ganze \Zeit [über] the whole time
    \Zeit gewinnen to gain time
    [keine] \Zeit haben to [not] have time
    \Zeit haben, etw zu tun to have the time to do sth
    zehn Minuten/zwei Tage \Zeit haben[, etw zu tun] to have ten minutes/two days [to do sth]
    haben Sie einen Augenblick \Zeit? have you got a moment to spare?
    das hat [o damit hat es] noch \Zeit that can wait, there's no rush [or hurry]
    mit etw dat hat es noch \Zeit sth can wait
    in kurzer \Zeit very quickly
    in kürzester \Zeit in no time
    eine [o einige] \Zeit lang for a time
    jdm wird die \Zeit lang sb is bored
    jdm \Zeit lassen to give sb time
    sich dat [mit etw dat] \Zeit lassen to take one's time [with sth]
    in letzter \Zeit lately
    in nächster \Zeit in the near future
    in der \Zeit vom... bis... in the time between... and...
    nach \Zeit bezahlt werden to be paid by the hour
    sich dat [mehr] \Zeit [für jdn/etw] nehmen to devote [more] time [to sb/sth]
    \Zeit raubend time-consuming
    durch die \Zeit reisen to travel through time
    \Zeit sparend time-saving
    jdm die \Zeit stehlen (fam) to waste sb's time
    keine \Zeit verlieren to not lose any more time
    jdm/sich die \Zeit mit etw dat vertreiben to help sb/one pass the time with sth
    vor langer \Zeit long [or a long time] ago
    die \Zeit vor Weihnachten the period before Christmas
    3. (Zeitpunkt) time
    es ist [o wird] [höchste] \Zeit [o es ist an der \Zeit], etw zu tun it's [high] time to do sth
    es ist höchste \Zeit, dass wir die Tickets kaufen it's high time we bought the tickets
    es ist jetzt nicht die \Zeit, Entscheidungen zu treffen it's not the right time to make decisions
    es wird [für jdn] \Zeit, dass... it's about time that [sb]...
    wenn es an der \Zeit ist when the time is right
    feste \Zeiten haben to have set times
    zu gegebener \Zeit in due course
    jds \Zeit ist gekommen (euph geh) sb's time has come euph
    zur gleichen \Zeit at the same time
    nächste Woche um diese \Zeit this time next week
    zu nachtschlafender \Zeit in the middle of the night
    seit dieser [o der] \Zeit since then
    von \Zeit zu \Zeit from time to time
    vor der \Zeit prematurely
    vor seiner \Zeit alt werden/sterben to get old/die before one's time
    zu jeder \Zeit at any time
    zur rechten \Zeit at the right time
    4. (Uhrzeit) time
    jdn nach der \Zeit fragen to ask sb for the time
    die genaue \Zeit the exact time
    mitteleuropäische/westeuropäische \Zeit Central European/Greenwich Mean Time
    das waren noch \Zeiten those were the days
    die \Zeiten ändern sich times are changing
    das war die schönste \Zeit meines Lebens those were the best years of my life
    ... aller \Zeiten... of all times
    die \Zeit der Aufklärung the age of enlightenment
    in jds bester \Zeit at sb's peak
    für alle \Zeiten for ever, for all time liter
    ich wollte das für alle \Zeiten klarstellen I wanted to make that clear once and for all
    mit der \Zeit gehen to move with the times
    die gute alte \Zeit the good old days
    in guten/schlechten \Zeiten in good/bad times
    für kommende \Zeiten for times to come
    für schlechte \Zeiten sparen to save money for a rainy day
    seit uralten [o ewigen] \Zeiten since/from time immemorial
    vor \Zeiten (liter) a long time ago
    etw war vor jds \Zeit sth was before sb's time
    jd ist seiner \Zeit voraus sb is ahead of his time
    zu jener \Zeit at that time
    zur \Zeit [o zu \Zeiten] Goethes in Goethe's day [or times
    6. LING (Tempus) tense
    7. SPORT time
    eine gute \Zeit laufen to run a good time
    auf \Zeit spielen to play for time
    alle \Zeit der Welt haben to have all the time in the world
    alles zu seiner \Zeit all in good time
    die \Zeit arbeitet für jdn (fig) time is on sb's side
    die \Zeit drängt time presses
    \Zeit ist Geld time is money
    die \Zeit heilt alle Wunden (prov) time heals all wounds prov
    kommt \Zeit, kommt Rat (prov) things have a way of sorting themselves out
    wer nicht kommt zur rechten \Zeit, der muss nehmen, was übrig bleibt (prov) the early bird catches the worm prov
    ach du liebe \Zeit! (fam) goodness me! fam
    \Zeit schinden (fam) to play for time
    spare in der \Zeit, dann hast du in der Not (prov) waste not, want not
    die \Zeit totschlagen (fam) to kill time fam
    * * *
    die; Zeit, Zeiten
    1) o. Pl. time no art.

    mit der Zeit — with time; in time; (allmählich) gradually

    die Zeit arbeitet für/gegen jemanden — time is on somebody's side/is against somebody

    die Zeit drängt — time is pressing; there is [precious] little time

    sich (Dat.) die Zeit [mit etwas] vertreiben — pass the time [with/doing something]

    jemandem Zeit/drei Tage usw. Zeit lassen — give somebody time/three days etc.

    sich (Dat.) Zeit lassen — take one's time

    sich (Dat.) für jemanden/etwas Zeit nehmen — make time for somebody/something

    2) (Zeitpunkt) time

    seit der od. dieser Zeit — since that time

    vor der Zeit — prematurely; early

    zur Zeit — at the moment; at present

    3) (Zeitabschnitt, Lebensabschnitt) time; period; (Geschichtsabschnitt) age; period
    4) (Sport) time

    über die Zeit kommen (Boxen) go the distance

    5) (Sprachw.) tense
    * * *
    zeit präp (+gen):
    Lebens gesamt: his etc whole life long; (von da an) for the rest of his etc life; zeitlebens
    * * *
    die; Zeit, Zeiten
    1) o. Pl. time no art.

    mit der Zeit — with time; in time; (allmählich) gradually

    die Zeit arbeitet für/gegen jemanden — time is on somebody's side/is against somebody

    die Zeit drängt — time is pressing; there is [precious] little time

    sich (Dat.) die Zeit [mit etwas] vertreiben — pass the time [with/doing something]

    jemandem Zeit/drei Tage usw. Zeit lassen — give somebody time/three days etc.

    sich (Dat.) Zeit lassen — take one's time

    sich (Dat.) für jemanden/etwas Zeit nehmen — make time for somebody/something

    2) (Zeitpunkt) time

    seit der od. dieser Zeit — since that time

    vor der Zeit — prematurely; early

    zur Zeit — at the moment; at present

    3) (Zeitabschnitt, Lebensabschnitt) time; period; (Geschichtsabschnitt) age; period
    4) (Sport) time

    über die Zeit kommen (Boxen) go the distance

    5) (Sprachw.) tense
    * * *
    -en f.
    hours n.
    terms n.
    time n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > zeit

  • 100 esbozo

    sketch, outline.
    1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: esbozar.
    * * *
    1 sketch, outline, rough draft
    * * *
    noun m.
    * * *
    1) (Arte) sketch
    2) [de plan] outline
    * * *
    a) (Art) sketch
    b) ( de proyecto) outline, rough draft
    c) ( de sonrisa) hint
    * * *
    = outline, sketch, adumbration, rough sketch, rough draft.
    Ex. It may be helpful to begin with a careful reading of the definitions before attempting to deal with the outline.
    Ex. A short score is a sketch made by a composer for an ensemble work, with the main features of the composition set out on a few staves.
    Ex. The article ' adumbrations on the information support centre' suggests that each type of library must examine the functions, circumstances, and needs of its particular clientele.
    Ex. Intelligent software that brings rough sketches to life in a virtual world is promising to revolutionise the way children learn and to help engineers.
    Ex. This paper describes the program devised to extract references from the OCLC data base and generate bibliographies in rough draft form.
    * * *
    a) (Art) sketch
    b) ( de proyecto) outline, rough draft
    c) ( de sonrisa) hint
    * * *
    = outline, sketch, adumbration, rough sketch, rough draft.

    Ex: It may be helpful to begin with a careful reading of the definitions before attempting to deal with the outline.

    Ex: A short score is a sketch made by a composer for an ensemble work, with the main features of the composition set out on a few staves.
    Ex: The article ' adumbrations on the information support centre' suggests that each type of library must examine the functions, circumstances, and needs of its particular clientele.
    Ex: Intelligent software that brings rough sketches to life in a virtual world is promising to revolutionise the way children learn and to help engineers.
    Ex: This paper describes the program devised to extract references from the OCLC data base and generate bibliographies in rough draft form.

    * * *
    1 ( Art) sketch
    2 (de un proyecto) outline, rough draft
    * * *

    Del verbo esbozar: ( conjugate esbozar)

    esbozo es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo

    esbozó es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo

    Multiple Entries:
    esbozar ( conjugate esbozar) verbo transitivo
    a) figura to sketch

    b)idea/tema to outline

    esbozo sustantivo masculino
    a) (Art) sketch

    esbozar verbo intransitivo
    1 (un proyecto, un dibujo) to sketch, outline
    2 (amagar un gesto) to hint, give a hint of: esbozó un saludo, he gave a hint of a wave
    esbozo sustantivo masculino sketch, outline, rough draft
    ' esbozo' also found in these entries:
    - sketch
    - manage
    - profile
    * * *
    esbozo nm
    1. [de dibujo, plano] sketch, outline
    2. [de directrices, tema, plan] outline
    3. [de gesto, sonrisa] hint
    * * *
    m sketch; de idea, proyecto etc outline
    * * *
    esbozo nm
    1) : sketch
    2) : rough draft

    Spanish-English dictionary > esbozo

См. также в других словарях:

  • under the present circumstances — considering the current situation, according to the current issues …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Do otherwise in the same circumstances — The ability to choose and do otherwise in exactly the same circumstances is one of two criteria considered essential for libertarian free will and for moral responsibility. The other is the existence of alternative possibilities for action.[1]… …   Wikipedia

  • The bomber will always get through — was a phrase used by Stanley Baldwin in a speech to the British Parliament in 1932:cquote|I find myself at the close of a most interesting debate which has been well worth while I myself should not have regretted a second day in which there have… …   Wikipedia

  • circumstances alter cases — 1678 T. RYMER Tragedies of Lost Age 177 There may be circumstances that alter the case, as when there is a sufficient ground of partiality. 1776 W. HEATH Memoirs (1798) 92 Our General reflected for a moment, that as circumstances alter cases, Gen …   Proverbs new dictionary

  • The Saphead — Infobox Film name = The Saphead image size = caption = director = Herbert Blaché Winchell Smith producer = John Golden Marcus Loew Winchell Smith writer = Bronson Howard Victor Mapes June Mathis Winchell Smith narrator = starring = Beulah Booker… …   Wikipedia

  • The Irish (in Countries Other Than Ireland) —     The Irish (in countries other than Ireland)     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Irish (in countries other than Ireland)     I. IN THE UNITED STATES     Who were the first Irish to land on the American continent and the time of their arrival are …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • The Roman Congregations —     The Roman Congregations     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Roman Congregations     Certain departments have been organized by the Holy See at various times to assist it in the transaction of those affairs which canonical discipline and the… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • The Carmelite Order —     The Carmelite Order     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Carmelite Order     One of the mendicant orders.     Origin     The date of the foundation of the Order of Our Lady of Mount Carmel has been under discussion from the fourteenth century to …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • The Sacrament of Penance —     The Sacrament of Penance     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Sacrament of Penance     Penance is a sacrament of the New Law instituted by Christ in which forgiveness of sins committed after baptism is granted through the priest s absolution to… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • The Religion of Russia —     The Religion of Russia     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Religion of Russia     A. The Origin of Russian Christianity     There are two theories in regard to the early Christianity of Russia; according to one of them, Russia was Catholic from …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • The Staunton-Morphy controversy — concerns the failure of negotiations in 1858 for a chess match between Howard Staunton and Paul Morphy and later interpretations of the actions of the two players. The details of the events are not universally agreed, and accounts and… …   Wikipedia

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